♕chapter ten♕

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(IMPORTANT Author's Note: I'm sorry this one chapter took so long but just to let you know, usually for every 10 chapters, I will do a "double chapter" type thing where it'll be longer than most chapters and will contain more than one POV. I hope you all enjoy this longer chapter and look out for the POV change about mid way through)

Clarke's POV

My mom was waiting in the living room when I walked back into my house that night. She was looking the opposite way and her foot was tapping, a clear sign that she was very, very pissed off right now.

Her head snapped to my direction right as I shut the door and she pounced over to me, "Where the hell have you been? I haven't received one text message telling me where you were and you've been gone since school this morning!"

"I was over Bellamy's to work on our partner chemistry packet. You know, the thing we meet up to do every single week." I respond, not wanting to deal with her right now.

Little did I know that it was midnight by the time I got home and my mom expected me right swim practice.

She huffed and crossed her arms, "Bellamy? He's your chemistry partner, huh?"

I was seriously not having any of this if I was right to where she was taking this conversation, "Yes, Mom. He's my chemistry partner, that's it."

"Is he cute? Do you like him?" She asks, calming her tone down a bit.

"He is not cute and I do not like him! He's one of the popular jocks who only cares about himself!" I snap, already tired of this conversation.

I began to question myself after I said that though, was he really a stereotypical jock that I made him out to be for the last few weeks? I mentally shake my head, trying to push away the thoughts.

He had shown me a side to himself that seemed genuine a few times but it was probably a part of his act. There was no way somebody like Bellamy could actually care about me, someone he's only known for a little over a month.

My mom's hand waved in front of my face, breaking me out of my thoughts, "Clarke? Hello? Earth to Clarke!"

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I quickly spit out, hoping I wasn't dazing out for too long.

"Go to bed, sweetie. It's late and you have a meet tomorrow after school. You're gonna need all your energy." She reminds me and leaves me alone in my living room.

After countless days of restless sleep for God knows why, there was one night in particular where it felt like I couldn't even close my eyes for more than 5 seconds at a time. No specific thoughts were going through my head, it felt empty.

That night, which felt like an eternity, I spent it staring up at my popcorn ceiling craving sleep. My alarm blared on cue at 5:45 the next morning and broke me out of my slight daze.

The room spun when I tried to sit up, feeling like a hangover that was not alcohol induced. Sleep deprivation.

My mom gasped when I walked into the living room and I was startled by the fact she was home, she was always at work at this time.

She rested a hand on my shoulder, "Honey, go back to bed and get some rest. I'll call the school."

Opening my mouth to object but no sounds coming out, my mom shook her head at me, denying any kind of argument I could give her. My feet carried me back to my room and I fell onto my bed once I walked in.

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