♕chapter eight♕

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Clarke's POV

This morning, I was woken up to a light tapping on my window. Rubbing my eyes as I tried to see, I saw Finn on the other side of the glass.

It wasn't unusual for us to sneak into each other's houses, we'd been doing it for as long as I could remember. I have a feeling out parents knew it had been going on, but never said anything to us and let it slide.

The clock read 5:41AM and it was still dark outside. Plus it was a Monday so I don't know why he was showing up this early.

Unlocking and opening the window, I greet him, "Hey Finn, isn't it a little early for you to stop by?"

He stepped into my room and carefully shut the window behind him, "Yeah but I thought we could grab breakfast before we head over to school this morning."

"Sure, let me get ready and grab my things. I can drive us." I tell him, walking over to my dresser.

It was about 6:00AM exactly when we were ready to hit the road. We were going to go to Gloria's since it was open 24 hours and extremely cheap.

We ordered the same things that we usually get when we stop by here. Tricia, a server we see here so often, didn't even need to take our orders. She smiled at us when we walked in and told us that we were all set and to sit at any table we pleased.

We picked a table right by the window in the corner. There was very few people in there, just older people at the bar and in booths.

Finn cleared his throat suddenly and started speaking, "Listen, I was wondering if you would want to go to homecoming with me, as friends though?"

He seemed so nervous asking me, did he actually want it to be more than friends? Finn and I were so close we were like brother and sister but did he want more out of our friendship? My thoughts went over all possibilities.

"Yes, I'll go with you." I smile back at him, placing my hand onto his. I can clearly see his shoulders relax and he begins to calm down. Finn never acted like this, it was odd to see him this way. He was always a confident guy and never let anything bother him.

Our food was brought over within the next 15 minutes and we ate in a nice, happy silence. We didn't need to talk each other's ear off, we could just be together and that's all we needed.

We walked into school side by side, making small talk about random things.

"Try not to get kicked out of chemistry today," Finn joked with me, before turning the opposite way down the hallway.

Ever since he asked me about homecoming, I couldn't stop thinking about what he felt about me and if he really wanted more. Did Finn really see me that way? Did I want anything more with him.

All of a sudden, my thoughts were broken and my shoulder collided into something. There was a loud thud on the floor made from my falling history text book.

It was Bellamy that I walked into.

He looked down at me, his friends were standing around him at his locker. "Watch where you're going princess," he snapped, kinda rubbing in the last part.

I picked up my book and snapped back at him, "Princess, huh. Where'd you come up with that one?"

Bellamy really got on my nerves most of the time. He could seem like a jerk one moment and then put up a nice guy act, like when I saw him at detention the other day and he looked genuinely worried about his sister. I wondered if somehow he actually had a heart.

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