♕chapter four♕

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Clarke's POV

When I woke up the next morning, the space next to me was empty. Finn must've been downstairs cooking breakfast cause I could smell bacon from all the way up here.

Rolling over to my side, I take a peek at my phone. Maybe Raven had texted me last night when I was already asleep. I wondered if she even remembered last night at all or was even worried about me not being there when she wanted to leave.

Notifications filled up my lock screen but none were sent by Raven. It was still early, only 9:00am. Usually the morning after a party, she wouldn't be up until noon or later.

I found Finn in the kitchen. He was standing in front of the stove, pushing some bacon around with a fork. He was still in the clothes he wore to bed last night. How long had he been awake?

"Smells good," I hum and sit down on a stool at the island.

He looks at me and smiles, "Good morning. How is your head?"

"Could be worse," I laugh. My head wasn't bothering me at all, it was Raven that I was worried about. I was pissed off but still concerned if she made it home okay.

Finn got my plate ready for me with waffles, bacon, and eggs and slid it over to me. He made his plate and sat on the stool to my left. We ate in silence for the most part but it wasn't awkward. Finn never would chat much while he ate and I got used to it over the years.

He cleared his throat, "Wanna talk about last night?"

"What about it?" I knew exactly what he wanted to ask me about. The truth is, it kept racing through my head and I questioned whether or not I did the right thing by leaving and not telling Raven.

He gave me a look, "You know what." He was right, I did know. "What happened between you and Raven. And how the hell is Bellamy involved?"

I totally wasn't expecting the last little part of that question. It caught me off guard.

I relived the whole night to him, explaining how Raven had left to find him but never came back to hang with me. How she was off the rails drunk when she was supposed to be driving after the party. Once I was finished with the Raven side of the question, then came the hard part. How I thought Bellamy was a different guy and that he slept with Raven without even knowing her name.

Finn kind of shook his head, "That's not the type of guy he is, Clarke."

That made me really mad, "Bellamy is a big shot, egotistical jerk who only cares about sports and parties. He only makes it seem like he cares just so he can get laid and he doesn't even bother with knowing the girl's name. I've seen people like him before and I know what they do, and Bellamy is one of them. I'm not gonna fall for the stupid nice guy act he's pulling with me in chemistry but this is exactly the guy I thought he was before I met him."

Finn clearly didn't think I was going to go off like that, but I am really tired of guys like him. He pauses for a little bit, unsure what to say.

He finally starts throwing some words out, "I know that he seems like that kind of guy right now but you haven't known him long enough to see any other side of him. He's one of my best friends, Clarke. That doesn't define Bellamy."

I stand up and put my plate into the sink. "Finn, I'm not the only one who thinks of Bellamy like this. I've heard the stories of him at parties, and hell, maybe I've been at the parties when it happened but I gave him a chance and I tried to forget about what others have said about him before. Last night, he was the guy in those stories."

Finn is speechless, which gives me the opportunity to go upstairs to grab my clothes from last night. When I change and go back downstairs, he's at the bottom of the stairs.

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