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Hyungwon was lonely, but there wasn't really anything he could do about it. Changkyun was in his room with Jooheon, and he didn't want to intrude on their conversation. Kihyun and Wonho were locked up in his room, doing god knows what. He saw Hyunwoo and Minhyuk sitting in the living room together on his way to the kitchen. He didn't want to bother any of them, so he sat in the hallway.

There wasn't much to do all alone, and since he wasn't about to go to the practice room, he decided to take a nap. He didn't know how long he had been able to sleep before someone came to wake him up. He opened his eyes to find Changkyun crouching near him, massaging his shoulder.

"You shouldn't sleep on the floor like this," said the youngest.

Hyungwon shrugged. "There's nowhere for me to go"

"Well, I know of somewhere. Do you wanna go to the convenience store with me and Jooheon? Manager said we could, as long as we bring back a snack for him."

Hyungwon smiled softly. "Sure."

Changkyun waited for him as he picked himself off of the floor. "Hyung—"

"What?" Hyungwon asked, cutting him off.

The younger grinned and lifted his hands. "Bend down, your hair's all messy."

The singer blushed and bent his knees. Changkyun's fingers were running through his hair and—oh, there was that feeling again. That feeling that came whenever he was around their youngest, where his stomach swooped and his body felt like he had chugged a gallon of Red Bull. Changkyun pinched Hyungwon's cheek.

"Hey!" he yelped back, but the rapper was already running out the door.

"Hurry up, turtle!"

So Hyungwon did.


The walk to the store was awkward. The three of them couldn't walk side by side on the sidewalk, so Hyungwon trailed behind a little. Changkyun almost walked sideways so he could look at both of the members, but Hyungwon knew his focus was on Jooheon. The two rappers had a special relationship that Hyungwon couldn't even try to match. It was clear that Changkyun trusted Jooheon with everything, and the other felt the same. He would never get that close to the youngest member, and it made him feel a little empty inside.

When they reached the convenience store, Jooheon held the door open for both of them. He gave Hyungwon a tap on the shoulder and a pitying look, almost as if he could read the vocalist's mind. Hyungwon ignored it as much as he could and followed Changkyun through the store.

"Do you think Wonho wants ramen?" Changkyun asked, scanning through the shelves.

Jooheon smacked the back of his neck. "Why are you even saying that? Let him buy his own ramen. We should buy food for ourselves and Manager."

Changkyun shrugged. "I feel kinda bad. He cried earlier."

Jooheon grumbled on about something that Hyungwon couldn't quite catch. "If you wanna bring something for Wonho, we need to get something for everyone. Let's just buy a snack for everyone to share."

After some bickering about which snack they should buy (Changkyun wanted cookies, but Hyungwon said it was too much money for the amount of cookies they would get) they decided on a box of Animal Crackers.

"These don't even taste good," Jooheon whined.

"Who cares? Aren't we still going to get a snack for ourselves?" Hyungwon shuffled through the store, box of crackers in his hand. He picked out a chocolate ice cream and motioned for the two rappers to come over. "These are cheap."

"You're so cheap," Changkyun said jokingly, slapping Hyungwon on the arm.

"Do you think we have money to waste?" the vocalist snapped. "We haven't debuted, and even when we do, we'll be idols, not millionaires."

Changkyun shied away, sticking closer to Jooheon after being scolded.

"Changkyunnie, I didn't mean it like that."

"And I didn't mean to offend you."

Jooheon looked awkwardly between the two before speaking up. "Hey, it's okay. Let's not worry about it, a'right?" He reached into the freezer and grabbed a popsicle. "Kyun, pick something."

The youngest did, and they headed to the cash register. Only then did they realize they forgot to grab a snack for their manager, so Hyungwon grabbed the first thing he saw so they could get out of there.

When they were back on the street, Jooheon peeked inside the bag. "What did you get?" he asked. He handed the others their ice creams so he could get to the snack they bought for the manager. Suddenly, he started laughing. "Oh my god, Manager is going to kill us."

"What did I get?" Hyungwon asked, trying to take a look. Jooheon pulled out a stout little can with the horrible words "Silkworm Pupa" printed on the side. "Oh shit."

Changkyun angled Jooheon's hand in his direction so he could see and immediately groaned. "That is disgusting. How did you not realize what you picked?"

Hyungwon shrugged. "I don't know! The cashier was stressing me out, and she took it so fast that I didn't get to see the label."

"What did you think it was?" Jooheon questioned between laughs.

"Fruit? Pringles? Something normal that comes in a can?"

Changkyun started laughing again. "Pringles don't even come in a can like that."

Hyungwon grabbed the can from Jooheon and inspected the label. "They're BBQ flavored. Can it really be that bad?"

"It's silkworm pupae. What do you think?"

They stood there in silence, their ice creams melting in their hands. "We're not gonna debut."


Minhyuk was on his way to the kitchen when he saw Hyunwoo sitting alone on the couch. The oldest had been doing that a lot lately. He would sit alone in the living room, staring at the blank television. The younger had been taking it upon himself to go cheer up their overly stressed leader.

"Hey, papa bear," Minhyuk greeted.

Hyunwoo's lips turned up in a smile. "Hey. What's up?"

"Just wanted to check on my favorite teddy." He plopped onto the couch beside the older. "I can tell you're stressed out." Hyunwoo sighed in response. "You'll be fine."


Minhyuk waited for more, but Hyunwoo was a man of very few words. "You know, I'm here to talk. If you don't trust anyone else, at least trust me."

"I do, Min. I just never know what to say."

"You don't need to know what to say," he replied, rubbing a hand along their leader's back.

Hyunwoo turned to him, and for a moment, their faces were so close that Minhyuk could feel the warmth radiating off Hyunwoo's golden skin, and Hyunwoo could feel Minhyuk's light breath tickling his cheeks. But it was over too soon, as the door burst open and the two pulled away from each other.

The three that had gone to the convenience store earlier had arrived. "I can't believe he likes those things," Jooheon said, his voice sounding scarred.

"Likes what?" Minhyuk called, curious as always.

Hyungwon shuffled into the living room to say, "Silkworm Pupa," then leave. Changkyun followed him with a shudder.

"That's weird," Hyunwoo said, standing up. "Do you wanna eat their snacks, Min?"


a/n. hey so i just realized that wattpad takes away the spaces in between scenes in my chapters...i dont actually have time to go through and edit everything ive already posted, but from now on i'll make sure to put those "---" in between scenes ^^

please comment and tell me how you liked it!!

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