13 - Trust Comes With Time

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(A/N: Please don't hate me for lack of updates, next one should be out a lot sooner than this one came out.)

Death on two legs

You're tearing me apart,

Death on two legs

You never had a heart of your own  


His fingers worked deftly, quickly rewiring with Blue's instruction. Before they made no sense but that now he knew what everything was, Lance was able to work efficiently. Although he was about halfway finished, it was taking longer than it should. His mind kept cycling back to Keith. He was worried, so he would rush and when he rushed he made mistakes. 

His finger caught on a piece of metal. "Gah!" He brought his finger to his mouth and gasped. His vocal chords burned, but they seemed to function. It'd be awhile until they'd be fully healed. He silently laughed but rushed to continue. This time he was going to continue to worry, but use it as a driving force. 

Blue purred as Lance got closer to finishing. The overall design was rough and crude. He definitely was not an engineer nor did he have the right tools, but nonetheless he hoped it would at least work. It looked nothing like what Pidge described. Still, he fixed the last wire and secured it. 

Quickly, he scrambled down the side of Blue. Just before he went in he looked up. The sky was darkening, but still empty. It was far too quiet for Lance to feel comfortable. He rushed inside and began to test out the signal. He sent a quick message, hoping it would send. It seemed like it would but then it fell short. It wasn't enough. Lance wanted to yell. Instead, he closed his eyes and placed his hands flat on the control board. He imagined what he wanted to happened and let his body do the rest. The light blue glow returned and left just as quickly as it came. Lance felt slightly tired but ignored it. He sent the message again and this time, it went as far as he had hoped. 

After what seemed to be hours (it was 3 minutes), another message pinged back. He grinned and smiled, he wanted to punch the air and jump around, but he had more important things to do. He read the message and faltered. It confused him. It was in complete Altean, but that's not the issue. It was what it said. 

Who is this and how have you communicated to us through the Blue Lion? Do you have its paladin?

Lance frowned and sent another back. Um, funny, this is Lance. Tell Pidge that her idea worked, but I improvised.

Another message pinged back. Who is this! How do you know this language?What have you done with our paladin?

Lance was even more confused. English was literally a universal language. How? Lance had no clue. He glanced back at his messages. Oops. He had accidentally typed it all out in Altean. The buttons were Altean, yes, but there was a translator that the Lion's had that let the paladins understand. Although the message was also sent in English. But like Lance said, it's universal. Blue must've turned it off once she had realized he could read it. 

He quickly sent another, this time in English. Sorry. If you need convincing... you activate my particle barrier. He cringed slightly, that hadn't been one of his best lines, but he figured it would work. 

Lance! He wanted to laugh. He wasn't sure if it was Shiro talking about his pickup line or if everyone was happy to see him. It was probably the first one. A second message came through. Wait, how did you send that in Altean?

Listen, where are you guys? What's taken you so long to get back?! We have Galra on the way and a big issue. Lance sent.

We'll explain it when we get there, but we have a problem. The planet was enveloped into an advanced space pocket. It's unlike any Galra technology I've ever seen before... If it is Galra tech, anyway. We need it unlocked and opened from the inside. The message made Lance feel anxious. He hated the feeling of being trapped inside something that even his team couldn't figure out. Lance sent a final message before running out of the lion.

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