Voldemort Dead

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"Yes." Harry said to me and stops waking and turns to face me. "How come you didn't tell me about Snape or our prophecys?" He asked.
"Because you wouldn't of believed me little bro." I said to him.
"So who is the deatheater that betrays him that your supposed to fall in love with sis?" He asked.
" Severus Snape." I said and he looks shocked at that.
"What?" He said in disbelief.
"Severus Snape" I repeated.
"That is the peroan you have dated since 4th year and didn't tell his name?" He asked.
"Yes." I said looking down at my belly bump at 3 months thats starting to show and I feel him wrap me in a hug.
"I'm so sorey big sis, you had to listen whilevwe had to speak badly about your boyfriend and you couldn't say anything." He said to me.
"You didn't know."I replied and returned the hug hevwas giving me. "What are you doing now?" I asked him.
"I'm going to him and get this over with." He said in a said tone.
"Remember the last part of my prophecy" I say and he gave me a confuse look. " In the end the dark lord will be destroyed because I'm the strongest witch to ever live and he loves me but I love Sev." I said and he nodded.
"What your not coming with me?" He asked.
"No I can't but I will be there when you need me later." I said and he nodded and we start walking to the great hall. "This is where I leave you Harry, but I will be here when you need me most." I said and I give him a little hug and walked into the great hall and seeing everyone gathering up bodies of loved ones and crying over them. I go and sit on one of the tables that have been set up and I look around I see Jo crying in George's chest because Fred's dead. I look around more and see pamora is dead a.k.a prof. Sprout and I get up and walkout and sit on the steps to see Ron and Mione kissing.
"Hey Amz." Mione said to me as they parted and looked at me. "What is the matter?" She asked.
A lot of people are dead including Fred." I said and Ron rushs in with Mione because they didn't know. I can't take it anymore so I go see Sev. I apperated there and see that he's sleeping and I go look out the window. I watch about for 10 minutes til I see Voldemort army arrive at the castle and see that Hagrids carrying Harrys body that is suppose to be dead. I watch as people come out looking horrified at the dead Harry, soon Harry falls out of uncle Hagrids arms and gets up and duels Voldemort again and it's my time to make an entrance. I apperate outside the great hall just as Neville kills the snak. I walk up to the side to see Harry and Voldemort and stand there.
"Amz darling please help me." Voldemort asked as he throws one last spell at Harry and the spells collided and I do the same and mine takes control."Can't do that Tom, you are asking me to kill my brother for a man I don't even like. You tried to kill the man I loved and I had to save him.  The wand doesn't belong to him Tom it belongs to Harry because Draco disarmed him that night my dad that night then a few weeks Harry disarmed Draco so it belongs to Harry. I don't love you Tom and I never will." I said and he loses his concentration because of heart break and me and Harry and the killing curse goes back to him and he disintegrated. I see Harry collapse and I go help him up. "You did great Harry lets go." I said and we walked into the great hall I see more people have died, I walk over and grab a cup of tea and start drinking it when mum comes over she hugged me and released me.
"May I talk to you for a minute kitten?" She asked and I nodded and we walked out of the great hall. "The teacher and I have decided to offer you the position of headmistress if you will except kitten?" She said and smiled proudly at me.
"I would love to but I don't think you would want a pregnant headmistress mum." I said
"How far along are you?" She asked with glee.
"3 months."
"Well we did agree to anything you to become headmistress and that was one of them, and I'm sorry that Severus is dead kitten." She said and we keep walking to my office.
"He isn't fead I saved him, he is 24 years old now but he is still alive." I said as I entered my office.
"What I thought he died?"
"I made a quick potion that will save the Brewers soul mate, and I made it and saved him."
"May I see him, what position is he going to take?"
"I will see if he is well enough and if Horlick decides to stay at potions then he will take D.A.D.A."
"What about herpetology?"
"I know the perfect person for that, I will go and check on  Severus." I said to mum and I walked into see Severus is already up and getting dressed." My mum is here to see you Sev." I said and going over and kissing him on the lips.

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