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"Wow you 3 look really different and all 3 look good as raven haired." Ron said to us.
"Who is who?" Harry asked confused.
"That is sad that you don't recognise your big sister Harry." I said as I walked up to him.
"Oh sorry Amz." He apologised.
"Let's go and get that locket!" Jo said and we all took each others hands and apperated. We entered a busy street and we soon get the people we need for the potion.
We start walking to the ministry and I follow Mione, Jo and Stace into the girls bathroom and we stand in the toilet and flush ourselves down to get in. "Well that is just disgusting!" Stace said and me and Jo nodded in agreement. Soon we meet up with the boys when they came down and standed next to us.
"Come on let's go." I said to them and we walked to the elevators but before we can go anywhere some guys stop us.
"It is still raining in my office, I need it fixed. Do you know where I'm going now?" He asked Ron.
"No" ron said to him.
"To interrogate your wife and if I were you I would fix my office and I might spare her. You have one hour. " he said and the elevator soon leaves but soon stops.
"What am I supposed to do?" Ron said as he gets off the elevator. "Try fineta incantartum, and Jo you go with him." I said and they both get off and we leave but it soon stops again and Umbridge gets on.
"Aren't you and your wife and daughter getting off?" She asked Harry.
"Come on dearest it is time to get off and sweetheart stay close to us." I said in a sweet voice and we get off and the elevator starts leaving again.
"Don't ever say that again." Harry said to me. "I agre with him but you would make a nice mother and wife someday." Stace said to me.
" I won't if I can help it younger brother." I said and we start off walking down the hall and we soon reach where Umbridge office is, we release smoke bombs and go inside to search for the locket. "it's not here Harry, Stace she must be wearing it." I said to both of them and we close the draws and go back out the door and start heading for the elevator.
"What do we do now?" Harry asked.  "Find the others and get the locket." I said. "But how we don't know where it is!" He said back. "Yes we do it's around her neck." I said and continued walking. "Well how do we get it?" He asked once again. "you shall see." I said as Ron and Jo get on the elevator with Ron soaking wet and I waved my hand and he is all dry. "Thanks." He mutters to me. "Your welcome." I said back. "Where is Mione?" He asked us. "With Umbridge." I said and we get off at the department of mystery floor we walk to the courtrooms and we see Umbridge, Mione and Rons 'Wife'. We wait and see what is going to happen and I go sit next to Mione who looks really petrified. There about to say when everybody but me, Jo and Stace start changing back into themselves, I sneak up behind Umbridge and use a stunning spell on her and I grab the necklace and we start running to the elevators. We reach them an the dementors are chasing us so we use patronnus's and fight them off as we start moving and reach the main floor, people start chasing us and running after us and apperated to Grimmauld place but soon leave and end up in the middle of the woods with Ron and Jo crying in pain. I walk over to them and see that they have been splinched and I start fixing them both while Mione and Stace does the protection charms around our camp sight so no one can see us.
"It looks like this os going to be our home for awhile." Milne said as shes putting up the tent. "I'll stand guard first while you lot get some rest." She said and we nooded and went inside the tent and got into our beds, I don't go to sleep I decided to Mind talk with Sev.
"Hello Sev."
"Amz love it's been so long I know I miss you too, where are you guys though."
"Were in some kond of forest why."
"Becuase I have to give yoi guys the sword of Griffindor and I don't knkw how to get it to you. But I have found away for you guys to find it and you'll be finding it soon." He said.
"Okay Sev I trust you."
"So how has my bride to be been?"
"Lonley, worrie and sad because we hardly ever talk to each other because theres nothing to talk about, I'm worried for my mum and family and i'm sad because i'm missing my dad and you."
"I see your point, I wish I could come and visit you."
"Same but right now it's too dangerous, but I will come and visit you though and Jo knows about." I said.
"Good atleast you can talk to them about us and isn't that too dangerous though?"
"Please when has that ever stopped me?"
"My point what are you doing?"
" Acting as headmaster, it is really boring I can't wait till you take over and I can go back to my old job."
" Me neither, how are my mum and the other teachers holding up?"
"They hate me especially your mum and the Carrows but they stay here for the students."
"The truth will come out soon Sev, just hold out until then."
"I'll try my love, got to go the Carrows are seeing me I love you babe see you soon."
"I love you to and I'll see you soon." I cut off the connection and go to sleep thinkong how to get that sword.

Harry Potter and Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore (Deathly Hallows)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant