Grimmauld and a Talk with Remus

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We apperated to 12 Grimmauld place and we check to make sure nobodys not here, we walked around and looked around and I decided to split everyone into teams.
"Me, Jo and Stace upstairs while Harry, Ron and Mione check down here." I said and they all nodded and we went our seperate ways.
"Jo lets go and check your uncles room." I saod to her and us 3 headed to his room.
"Do you think everyone at the party will be alright Amz?" Jo asked and Stace looked at me too waiting for the awnser once we are in her uncles room.
"Yes they are just afyer me and Harry they won't hurt anyone else." I said while I was looking around the room.
"Amz can I ask you something?" Jo asked.
"You already did but you can ask me another question." I told her.
"How come you have never dated anyone in school?" She asked and Stace was ready to burst out laughing because ahe already knows.
"I have been dating somebody at school, and you have met them but you have to promise me that you'll never tell!" I said to her because shes one of my best friends and marauder.
"I swear i'll never tell anyone, marauder secret." She said and she swore an oath to the marauders so I can trust her.
"Severus snape." I said and her eyes widened and her mouth went agape.
"Why he's the killer who betrayed your dad and is a deatheater!" She said and I told her the whole story of what happened and she looked shocked.
"Well good for you I knew it would be him." She said and I nodded.
"So how long have you been going out?" She asked.
"2 years and engaged before he left." I said and she squealed quietly so the others don't here her. "Congratulation when you getting married?"
"I don't know okay." I said and I sit on the bed with my head in my hands.
"What is the matter Amz?" Stace and Jo asked together.
"I miss Sev alot and I have a headache." I said to them and they hugges me.
"Okay you should go to bed then." Stace said to me.
"Yeah I will thanks you guys for understanding, I will be in the room that us 3 share when we stay here." I told them and they nodded.
"We'll always be here for you Amz, good night." They said together.
"Night you guys." I said and walk out of the room into my bedroom where I quickly fell to sleep.

A few weeks later
I was up making something to eat when I hear the front door open, I walked around the corner and see my god farther Remus standing there soaking to the bone.
"You know being all wet like that can make you sick Rems ." I said and I walked up to him and gave him a hug.
"What your not going to awnser me a question or anything to tell it's the real me?" He asked and I shook my head because I'm not asking because I know him too well from over the summers and transforming with him.
" No I know it's you I didn't have to use my gift of knowledge to tell because I know you too well from over the summers and the full moons to tell its you and the matter of fact I knew you were going to awnser that and if you were an imposter you wouldn't ask and besides you smell like we dog. Phew you stink." I said to him.
"You were always confusingly brilliant, like farther like daughter the two of you are exactly the same way in that matter." He said and takes out his wand and drys himself off. I already know I'm like my farther and I miss him so much that it hurts.
"Come on I've got coffee ready and besides your daughter will want to see you." I said to him and his head shot up when I mentioned Stacey is here and we walked into the kitchen and get 4 cups of coffee because those 2 will be down to see uncle Rems and her farther in exactly one second spot on.
"DAD! Your here!" Stace yells and runs into her furthers embrace. "I've missed you daddy." She said and tears came out of their eyes. Rems looked at me and Jo he opens his arms again for us. "C'mon girls marauder hug." He said and we all joined in because we all needed it. After the hug we got to talking.
"Where is the other 3?" Rems asked taking a sip of his coffee.
"Sleeping and I let them because there is nothing else better to do around here." I awnsered and the girls nodded.
"There isn't daddy, not at the moment anyways." Stace said to her dad.
"no there really isn't." Jo said to uncle Rems.
"Tonks is expecting Amz and I don't know how to be a good dad again, and what if i fail." He asked and us 3 looked at him in confusion.
"Uncle Rems you aren't going to fail you did a good job on Stace, it will come naturally again once the child is born like you know what is right. The fact is, is that if you mess up so what the child is going to love you no matter what, you are the childs farther right you 2." I said and asked the girls.
"Yes daddy you will be an amazing daddy again in time you just need to wait for my brother/sister to be born thats all." Stace said to him.
"Yeah uncle Rems youv'e done some great help on us misfits here." Jo said and us 2 looked at her.
"Who are you calling misfit, misfit." I said and Stace nodded.
"I know but-" he started and i've had enough.
"I'm sorry Remus but there are no buts in this matter. I grew up 11 years without knowing my dad and only got to know him for 5 years and Harry is without his parents and I don't want that child to not have a farther just because it's dad doesn't know if he would be a good dad. That would be worst than messing up in the harshest of ways." I said and he looks down at his coffee cup while the girls looked at me.
"I guess you are right Amz." He told me and the girls nodded in agreement.
"Where is Tonks on this rainy evening Remus?" I asked him.
"Yeah dad is she alright?" Stace asked with worry.
"I sentvher to her parents she will be safe there with the baby." He awnsered.
"Uncle Rems I know your scared but this is a good thing, you have always wanted to love for what you are you had that once and now you've found it again and you are pushing the love of your life away." I told him.
"Your right again I do love Tonks but I just feel scared for her and the babu because of what I am." He said and Stace looked disappointed.
"You should't be scared of that dad, you and me are very careful and nothing will ever happen to them believe me I should know aswell as Amz and Jo to know what were talking about." Stce said to her dad and me and Jo looked at her in shock.
"I miss talking to you M2G, you always make people feel better. So I heard you got somethings from your dad in his will, what did you get." He asked me getting off the subject now. Thank goodness.
"I got a house, I got a vault from gringotts, everything that he owns thats not with mum and also a picture of him with a piece of him in it." I told him and he had a shocked look on his face.
"You got a picture with his soul in it?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yeah becaise now I always have a piece with me wherever I go or need him." I said and Harry came down the stairs looking tired.
"Amz, Jo and Stace who are you talking too? He asked us.
"Remus/Dad." We said together and Harry still looks 1/2 asleep and looks across from us and sees Remus.
"Hello Harry." Remus said to Harry.
"How is everybody, is everybody okay?" Harry asked worried etched into his face.
"Yea they are all fine Harry, listen I need to ask you and Amz something." We all eait for him to continue. "We want you both to be the godparents." He said to us i'm touched that he wants us.
"What baby?" Harry asked confused and Stace and Jo faced palmed literally.
"Oh I forgot Tonks is pregnant." He said to Harry.
"That is great Remus congratulations." Harry said with a yawn and I hand him a cup of coffee"thanks sis."
"Well I love seeing the M2G and you Harry, but I have to go see you lot soon." Remus said and hugged and kissed his daughter and hugged me and Jo and shakes Harrys hand and apperates away.
"That was fun, come on we have to go and think of places to look for the horcrouxes." I said and we sit at the table and start thinking.

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