Getting married and Harry Again

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When I got here I minded Sev.
"Sev get up and turn your light off and walk into your sleeping chambers like you are getting ready to go to bed."
"Why?" He asked.
"Just do it Sev."
"Fine I will love." He said and breaks of the connection and does as he's asked to clans comes into his room and turns the light on to see me.
"Surprise!" I said as I put a silencing charm on the room so no one hears.
"How did you get here?" He asked and brought me into a bone crushing hug.
"I apperated here, no matter how shard you try you will never be able to keep me out." I said and smiled at him.
"I would definitely not try to keep the love of my life out." He said and kissed me passionately. "Do you remember what I said that we would do next time I saw you?" He asked me but I can't remember or can I.
"No what?" I asked knowing what he's going to say.
"I said we would get married." He said to me and let's go of me and digs through the drawer and pulls out some papers and signs them. "Your turn my love." He said and I walk over and sign the papers as well. We're married at last.
"We are almost married we just have to send the papers in but we have to wait till Tom dies so you don't get killed by him." I said to him and smile.
"I know what we could do to take up some of the time." He said in a seductive voice and gives me a strong and passionate kiss but it goes father than that but I don't regret it. Anyways you get the whole point on what happened and I don't need to explain it all too you.
i wake up and see Sev watching me with a smile on his face.
"Good morning my beautiful wife." He said and kisses me on the lips.
"Good morning my handsome husband." I said to him and kiss him back.
"When do you have to get back to your dunderheads you call friends and brother?" He asked me.
"Some time today." I replied and waved my hand and I get dressed.
"What are you trying to attract a boyfriend dressed like that?" Sev said while getting up and dressed.
"No I already have a husband that I love to death." I said and go and kiss Sev on the lips until we hear some one apperated into the office.
"Severus I need to talk to you!" Voldemort says in a loud voice.
"Go Sev I will be here when you get back I promise." I said and he nodded and leaves.
"What do I owe this pleasure to my lord?" Sev asked Voldemort.
"Potter and his friends last night were caught with the sword." Voldemort awnsered I knew they would get caught but I didn't want to because that means going back to him.
"That's impossible I thought it was in a vault at gringotts?" Sev faked shock.
"That is what I thought to but I guess not, and potter has taken it with him." There was a few moments of silence that I couldn't bear. "If you hear that Potter is coming here then contact me straight away, you hear me Severus?" Voldemort asked.
"Yes my lord." Sev said and there is a loud pop as Voldemort leaves and soon Sev enters the room again. "Well that was a nice visit don't you think?" Sev said sarcastically to me. "Oh yes the most." I said with sarcasm dripping off my words and Sev kisses me again.
"Be safe my sweetest love." He said and walks out of the room and I apperate where Harry is, I see that he is digging a grave for Dobby with his hand so I make a shovel apperate and try to hand it to Harry.
"Here I think this will help." I told him trying to hand the shovel to him.
"I'm not doing it the magic way." He said I wouldn't either I'd do it the same way with the respect you put into burying it by hand.
"I know I was trying to hand you a shovel." He looks up at me and takes the shovel from my hands and starts shovelling.
"Where did you go yesterday?" He asked me.
"I went somewhere to be alone to think and have time for myself." I replied to his question.

"You knew they was going to find us didn't you?" He asked me.
"Yes Harry I did know." I replied back.
"And why didn't you warn us?" He said with anger present.
"Because it wouldn't have changed anything they would have still found us any ways, they have been trying to track us down for a while." I said and wrapped him into a hug and I kept an arm around him while we walk inside after Harry is satisfied with the grave he made for Dobby.
When we get inside we see Bill, Fleur, Ron, Mione, Jo, Stace and Luna all sitting down having tea. "Hey guys." I said to them and I was going to sit down between Jo and Stace they embrace me into a hug.
"Your back!" The girls said to me.
"I told you that I would be back today." I said.
"We know but we didn't know when you'd be back." Mione said to me.
" Yeah I'm sorry about that." I apologised to them.
"it's fine." The all said and I turned to Bill and Fleur.
"How are you guy?" I said to them because we haven't seen the since the wedding.
"Were fine  thank you Amz." Fleur said getting up and hands me a cup of tea.
"Thanks Fleur. " I said and take a sip, I soon finish and stand up. "I need to go and talk to olivander about something alone?" They slowly nodded and I walk upstairs to his room.  "Hello Mr. Olivander." I said as I closed the door and take a seat.
"Long time no see Amz" He said and coughing. "Tom has found a liking to you because of your power."
"Yes I know that's is what I came to ask you, did he ever say anything about me?" I asked him.
"No but a lot of the time he was angry because his deatheaters haven't gotten you back yet, I say he has a very dangerous attraction toward you Amz I would watch out." He said and warned me.
"I will thank you olivander. I was also wondering if a person disarms a person but a different person kills that same person then who does the wand belong to that it chooses to be its owner?" I asked because if he awnsered one of them then I know who the owner is.
"The person that disarms that person." He said to me and now I know the owner of the elder wand.
"Oh Thankyou olivander." I said to him greatfully and I get up and make my way back down stairs and I see that everyone is sitting and staring at the wall. "I'm going for a swim." I said because I need to relax and they look at me like I'm crazy. "Don't worry I'll be in my Animagus the whole time so nobody will notice me." I said to them and Bill looks at me confused. "But your animagus is a tiger." Bill said to me. "I can change into any animagus I want." I said and walk out the door to the sea. I dive in and change into a dolphin and not giving a care to the world, or how long I've been there.

Harry Potter and Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore (Deathly Hallows)Where stories live. Discover now