I missed her soothing touch so much that I refused to even make contact with her ice-cold hand, for the affection and warmth that usually spread from her touch to mine wasn't there.

And most of all: I missed her strength. Her eyes projected a certain kind of power that none could match. At any point in time, it would always be the flickering flames of an untamable wildfire that captured me. Passion, bravery and life itself filled her beautiful eyes. Though she wasn't particularly strong physically, her true skills remained in her hardworking spirit, fierce yet kind attitude and sharp wit.

Perhaps it's not loneliness. If so, then I'm not sure what it is......

"Fratello, it's fine. She'll come back to us somehow."

I nodded slowly. Flavio and Gilen were doing their best to take care of me, but I was stubborn as ever. Although I greatly appreciated their reassuring words, it wasn't going to get her back.

The worst part was that I don't even know if she was going to come back. I don't even know if I'll ever get to see her smile. I don't know if there'll be any more chances to see her face flush in embarrassment. I don't know if I could watch her in battle, witness the confidence in her steady gaze. I don't know if I'll ever get to hold something other than her cold, lifeless hand.

Will I ever?

"L-Let's just think of more options." I cleared my throat and banished my thoughts off into the back of my mind. "What would wake her up?"

"How...about a kiss?"



(Luciano.exe has stopped working-)



"A kiss. Ever heard of it?"

"Y-Yes, of course, but-"

"Okay fine, if you won't do it, then I will." Without warning, Flavio crouched down beside me.

My instincts finally kicked in. Since he was bending down, only supported by his toes, it took a single shove to make him crash to the ground.

"Don't you dare touch her." I snapped. I sucked in a deep breath, letting it out bit by bit.

I dipped my head, leaning down. I squeezed my eyes shut and stopped when our noses bumped lightly. My eyelids opened and my lungs ceased to work. My heart pounded heavily against my ribcage.

I quickly pulled away from her face and straightened my back. I shook my head briskly and raised my chin a bit.

"I normally wouldn't be one to back out of such a challenge, but this is (Name). It's disrespectful to do something like that without her consent."

"You owe me five bucks."

"Shut up, Gilen."

Gilen smirked slightly and stood up. He passed by me, giving me a pat on the shoulder while saying, "I'm going to go check on the 1ps."

I bobbed my head quietly and looked back down at (Name).

"You better wake up, (Name)...or else I...I will never forgive myself. Please wake up soon, my...



The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें