Two: Haunting Past

Start from the beginning

“I shall, Cousin. Fox is too much of a coward to try anything.” I opened our white wooden back door. “Have a wonderful time at the printing press.”

“Of course. Goodbye, Lacey.”

When I closed the door I felt an urge to tell Richard to come with us, to be there with me. I could sense as if something was dangling loosely above my heart.

Fox was a storm, a soaring piece of sun that could kill everyone with a single breath.

And I was going in the middle of the storm, unprepared, and without my powers.

Julia:I wiped my forehead and stretched, “No more, I can’t take it.”

Uncle Donny put his hands on his narrow hips, “Come on, Julia, you have more power than that you just have to dig deeper.” His dark eyes narrowed in a challenging way and his black bushy eyes brows seemed as if they were testing me.

I panted, “I don’t have anymore.”

He sighed; patient as ever, “Yes, you do.”

I looked at him and then closed my eyes. I focused on heat; burning fire deep in me. Fire burning wood, embers flying; I tried to grab those embers. But then I thought perhaps I should grab the fire instead; but it was dangerous; it made my skin sweat. I reached in moving past my irrational fear.

I opened my eyes and threw the giant ball of crisp burning sun toward the goal. The target post was smoldering in a matter of seconds and turned into ash on the grass.

“More?” I said, more than slightly annoyed with my Uncle.

He crookedly smiled at me; his eyes shining, “No.” He tossed me a water bottle, “Take a breather.”

I threw the cool liquid down my torching throat. I wiped my mouth and poured the rest on top of my head.

My Uncle wore faded jeans, brown hiking boots, a white t-shirt, and a chain necklace. His dark brown hair waved in layers barely glazing his shoulders and a stud on his lower lip. He also had a goatee going on with a mustache.

It was odd calling him my Uncle because he’s only five years older than me. My Mother was one of the unlucky teenage girls to have children young.

“Uncle, how did you know Kyle and I were in trouble?” This was something pressing on my mind for awhile; I finally had the guts to ask him.

Donny brushed back his hair, “I check in with you kids every so often then I sensed those monsters near-by. It’s my gift; I can sense my surroundings.”

“I wish I had that power.” I muttered.

Donny laughed and patted my back, “Julia, you will eventually get use to your power, don’t worry. It will all come like breathing to you.”

I chuckled, “Yeah.” I looked at the greenhouse. “Kyle already has his power under control.”

Donny smiled, “He is a fast learner, plus his power is far more voluntary than yours, darling.”

Kyle had a mental power; he controlled people’s emotions and felt their emotions as well. He could easily turn it off and on whenever he wanted. It was annoying, I admit; but it came in handy with me. He could calm me down when I needed to be calmed down.

I hated that Kyle took it so easily and I had to do meditations and picture water flowing calmly.

I got up and cracked my back, “I’m going to bed.”

Donny’s eyebrows came together, “It’s two in the afternoon.”

“I’m tired, Donny, you worked me out.” I went to the west wing.

Broken Luminescent - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now