The Same Effing Interview - @angerbda

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This issue goes a long way to prove the fact that we, as writers, like to play by our own rules, that it's wholly unlikely that if given the exact same prompt, two of us will ever write the same thing. Discuss.

Even if we had the same plot in mind, not just the same starting prompt, the story would end up different in anyway. Each to their own style of writing, different use of words, and the feeling that one has and fill his sentences with will never be the same...

If you were flying solo on a cargo vessel several years into deep space, just like Armitage Shanks, what five items would you need to adequately pass the time?

(1) I'd need some colour of sort, paint, crayons, and paper or something to doodle on. I could probably spend some time painted the corridors with weird kind of pattern... 

(2) If allowed, a miniaturizer, something that would reduce and enhance the size of whatever objects my fancy would fall on. Could be useful for smuggling booze and various contraband object, or just plainly bringing on board a huge collection of naughty books and some more serious. 

(3) I think I'd need some company, so I probably would find a four legged type of companion. one that always agrees with you and that will slobber all over your face when you give him a bone to chew. A great dane would be a good addition to the quiet of the solo traveling. 

(4) A good selection of chocolate, a huge one also. Something to take with coffee or tea. 

(5) Assuming there is a decent supply of food aboard, I'd complete my 5 items with a necessary supply of fine tea: oolong, white, green, red, dragon pearl, flower, ... anything to give a bit of variety in a dull day and flat meal

In 'The Same Effing Story,' Armitage Shanks is named after a company renowned for making certain porcelain bathroom fixings. If you could be named after any real-life company, which company would that be, and why?

I like the sound of Luk Yu or Ito En... Up to you to check what these are related to.

Is this the kind of issue you'd like to see and be a part of again? Why?

Another similar issue would interesting. I'd had some more in the plate to see where it bring us, such as some specific character to use and a part of the plot in addition to the starting or ending prompt. It would anyway end up completely different...

Tevun-Krus #46 - The Same Effing StoryWhere stories live. Discover now