“I think Stefan would rather you not hang out with a bunch of football players.” Jason muttered, heading towards the table with his friends anyway.

“Oh hush. Stefan can deal for five minutes. Or he can easily follow, they are his friends too.”

I grinned when Jason simply huffed, stopping in front of the table filled with your typical football players and cheerleaders.

“I thought the bitch was dating Stefan, why is she with you Jason?” the blonde girl from this morning asked, glaring at me.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

“Sweetheart, don’t go getting your panties all in a bunch. I am with Stefan.” At the mention of his name Stefan was at the table along with Tanya and Carter.

“Then why the hell are you all over Jason?” another girl asked.

This just caused more laughter, not only from me but from the other four as well.

“Y-you think... Oh my god this is hilarious.” I laughed, tightening my grip so I wouldn’t fall off of Jason’s back.

“I don’t see how it’s funny.” Some guy mumbled, frowning. “I would never share my girlfriend. Not even with my best friend.”

“Dude!”  I laughed more, “Are you kidding me? Do you know how disgusting that is?”

“Uhm no?” some blonde mumbled.

Clearly they were all very confused.

“Gee, thanks Jason. You’ve been at school all day and failed to tell your friends about your long lost sister? I’m offended! Put me down this instant mister.”

Jason did, giving me a sheepish smile.

“I’m sorry Ari; it just didn’t come up...”

“It shouldn’t have to come up!” I huffed, glaring at him, “you should have just said it.”

I felt Stefan’s arms around my waist and immediately relaxed into the embrace, sighing contently, my previous irritation all but forgotten.

“Hey! I’m still getting used to the fact that you’re my sister. And dude, really? Do you have to feel up my sister when I’m standing right in front of you? That’s still extremely disturbing.” He shuddered.

“Holy shit...” some girl whispered, looking between me and Jason, “I can totally see it... You’re eyes, and your smiles, and your noses...”

“All things we got from dad.” Jason grinned.

“Yeah. Mom’s eyes were green.” I nodded in agreement, playing with the pendant on my necklace that I still wore every day.

“That they were.” Jason murmured quietly, a small smile on his face.

“So... you two are siblings...” the blonde girl from this morning said slowly.

“No shit Sherlock, when did you figure that out? Was it before or after I said it loud and clear?” I asked, annoyed with the girls constant appearance.

She simply scowled, and turned away.

Shrugging I turned back to Jason, “It’s okay, you’re forgiven for not telling anyone. If...”

“If what?” he asked cautiously.

“If you help me sort though everything at moms this weekend. I still have a lot to go through and I don’t even know what to do with half of it!”

“Fine, but only because I don’t want you throwing away something that could be important.”

“Thank you! And I’m not throwing anything away. Just packing it into boxes and putting it in the basement.” I protested.

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