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"Yeah sure, anything you want." Rayial huffed.

I put my armor on and put my bag around me. "Watch the cape." Rayial said backing away from my golden flapping cape. "Sorry." I said trying to hide a chuckle. "It's still new, I've only been a squire for two weeks and it's unnatural for me to be wearing knights armor. Anyways let's get a move on!"

"Yeah right." Rayial said starting to walk slowly across the forest.

We walked through the giant forest that made the blade of the protected isle. It's been really slow without a horse and Rayial was whistling to himself.

Many birds started to fly in circles around him and a few minutes later after the birds got bored and flew away he summoned at least six eagles and they almost clawed my face right off.

"Really Rayial!" I shouted and the eagles flew away. "Sorry it's boring walking with a slow human." Said Rayial.

I rolled my eyes. I really wished I haven't left my horse in the forest but when I looked at Rayial I had a bad idea...but also a genius one.

"Uh, Rayial. If your so bored then why won't we make this trip go A little faster, huh?" I said with a smile. "Like what?" Asked Rayial.

"You know, uh how can I put this, you got four legs. Your huge and I could easily put a Saddle around your back. So?"

"Rayial gave me a look like I was crazy or something. "Just because I'm different then you humans doesn't mean that I can be used as some dumb horse." He growled.

"Come on Rayial we'll be here all day just walking in the forest. It takes two days with my speed, you know that right?"

Rayial clinched he's teeth. "Fine but It's not like your my master and plus I led the way."

"Ok." I said excitedly pulling my bag from off my shoulders and pulling out a saddle. Rayial took one look at it and threw his face away in disgust. "This is so embarrassing." Rayial mumbled under he's breath.

I put on Rayials Saddle and it fitted perfectly around his shoulders. "Didn't you realize that your fur is so silky." I said petting him. Rayial bashed he's tail into me and I crashed into the trunk of a nearby tree. "Ok this time let's change the rules." Said Rayial with a huff. "Don't treat me like an animal even tho I look like one OK?"

"Fine." I said brushing off the dust. "Dang it Rayial you put a dent in my armor!"

Rayial chuckled. "Well you should think before you talk."

I got on top of Rayial and suddenly Rayial straightened. He's horns and markings glowing more vivid. I felt something flow through me that I never felt before, like I could feel he's magic. "Rayial you ok?" I whispered. He didn't answer, he just stood there...like a animal ready for orders. I hated the sensation, I made Rayial go under some type of trance. Please go. I thought and then he started to race across the forest.

I held onto his glowing horns which made me feel more of his magic, it made me feel more under control of him. Before long I felt like I was linked to his mind. Maybe I should just...get off? I didn't know what to do. What was I supposed to do about this? Why was I controlling him like this? Rayial didn't want this. Stop. I thought and he stopped. I got off him and backed away. I still felt some type of connection toward him. Rayials eyes suddenly stopped glowing so vividly and he backed away from me once he saw me.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered. "I don't know what happened you just froze."

"You were controlling me. I felt like I was...I don't know either." Rayial whispered.

I was so confused and I could feel that he was confused too. "I now know why the corrupted ones wanted to kill you so badly. Your the last Raditor rider. Somehow you inherited the gene...get out of my head!" He shouted.

I couldn't, I was stuck to him like a magnet, this was bad.

I suddenly felt my chest burn and I fell to the ground and clinched my teeth and Rayial whimpered. A moment later I stopped and I saw what was on Rayials white chest, a sun symbol. I toke all of my armor off and removed my shirt and saw on my chest the same symbol. "This can't be happening!" Shouted Rayial. "Why didn't nobody tell about this!" Rayial looked at my glowing symbol and raced off into the forest. I felt he's fear and I felt mines. We couldn't escape each other now. We couldn't escape our fears...our thought...our emotions.

I sat there for many long moments. Rayial was very far away from me. I felt him pacing through the forest. It felt like we were one being just in two different Bodies...two different mind sets. I closed my eyes and if I was very still I could see into he's. I could see the world very clearly. I could see new colors I never seen before pop up everywhere. I heard new noises, I could feel new senses. I could even feel the wind brush off he's silky short fur.

He was miles away from me now but I still felt like we were very near. Our thoughts got cut off, I could just sense now what he was sensing. I felt so relieved that I didn't feel his extreme fear anymore. It was probably more worser for him. I was completely controlling his mind like he was my slave.

I just sat there. Still exhausted, all this energy flowing through me made me feel so tired. I fell asleep onto the forest floor and fell into in my own dreams...my own mind.

The Light | Break of Radiance BK #1Where stories live. Discover now