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☀️Finished! Hope you enjoy the Story☀️

The sun shined across the surface of the ocean. The waves were like golden swirls that moved to the wind from the distance. The sun slowly started to set and the clouds turned a dark gold.

The white sand flew every which way to the hooves of a white horse. It galloped silently but quickly across the small beach.

And on top of the white horse was a lady holding a baby in her hands. She was holding on tightly onto this baby. The baby was wrapped in soft satin silk. He was fast asleep, unalarmed by what had just happened. She knew this would happen. The gods had told her to be careful and she disobeyed them and now she had to face the consequences.

The baby was important. But at the same time so fragile, he was only just a human but somehow more important than even the gods themselves.

And they found him...because of her.  She had told the wrong person who he was and she had been sworn to by the gods not to even tell her own husband.

She had been captured by bandits and she was tied in chains. Their leader was holding a blade up to her own throat and she should have had risked her own life for this secret. But instead she told them every single detail. And they nodded and they forced her to bring the child or everyone she knew would perish.

But instead she was on her horse. Holding her child and running across the the palace of the gods. She had to ask for forgiveness and for the safety of her family. It was probably too late for them but she had to try.

She entered into the golden pillars of the palace and the horse slowed its pace. Above the pillars were huge gods. Their eyes looking down at them and she could see their faint glow. They looked towards the baby and stood up on all fours and threw a loud high-pitch roar into the air. The horse galloped mindlessly towards the entrance and the Gods that guarded the entrance jumped away.

Here she was, in the palace of the Raditor's...

Everything was curved in spirals, the pillars, the gold, the many rooms that filled the palace, the waterfall, and the statues of all the gods in their colors. Their were also many statues of the divine creatures who guarded the many lands of Ratellia.

And on a throne laid a giant god. Crestial, the leader of all the gods.

All the gods who were guarding the palace came circling around the lady on the white horse. They faced towards the lady with the child and whispered to one another in hushed voices.

She looked at the child and she sat up on her throne. Crestial had short white hair and glowing white blue markings across her body And on her forehead was a star-shaped marking. Crestial was not only the leader of the gods but in their religion she was the god of the stars. She was a giant towards the other gods and was approximately forty feet tall say the least. If she jumped then she would probably break the roof off.

"I see." Crestial whispered. Her echo filled the whole entire room and the gods who were staring down the lady sat down.

"Please." The lady whispered. "I beg for forgiveness and for the protection of my family." Her voice cracked and she held her son tighter.

"The humans who we were trying to protect...some of them were acting strange a few weeks ago. They started to lose control of their own bodies and were mindlessly trying to find many families and asking for the 'child' and kidnapping parents of many children. Their has been peace on this island for so long...I'm afraid that is coming to an end for us. Something big is coming down. And I think that is coming from the corrupted ones leader. But we still can't come in contact on who he is." Crestial explained.

The lady nodded. She knew about the corrupted ones. They had warned her before the birth of her son.

"We will swarm around the lands and try to stop the possessions from happening, but that won't stop the evil trying to struggle into our lands. You must take the child far far away. I suggest the small island protected by the sea elves. Your child will be protected there till he is old enough to take his position in the prophecy." She demanded.

She got off her white stallion and a brown Pegasus flew in front of her.

"The Pegasus will guild you to the Protected island. To his protected home." Crestial whispered.

She silently got onto the Brown Pegasus. "Thank you, so much." Whispered the lady.

"You are greatly welcomed Ryphia." Said Crestial.

The Pegasus lifted his wings. Ryphia held on tightly to both her son and the Pegasus. She was now never going to see her child again. But he would be safe and that's all that mattered.

They flew out of the palace and Ryphia stared at the white and gold palace of the gods and soon enough the island she was born in. Tears were in her eyes and they slowly fell down her tan cheek.


The Pegasus was quick and they had made it during the night to the protected island. The Pegasus landed beside and wheat field and in front of a wooden house, where her child will be protected.

She placed her child in a basket the gods had gave her on the porch of the house and sat down next to him. He had his name woven onto his silk blanket so sure enough they will call him by his real name.

She kissed her child's head and the baby squealed in appreciation. The baby reached his chubby hands to her face and she kissed them tenderly.

"Be a warrior, protect the needed, be brave and strong when you grow up, my little Shiro..."

Hope you enjoy the story. Sorry if you see some mistakes, I'll try to fix them later on in the future!

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