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Comet neighed in fear and I jumped off of him. He ran into the forest and I let him. I fell onto my knees staring down at his dead body. Blood was everywhere and I didn't even want to notice he's horses limp body near the forest. Something had killed them both. Not with any weapon, it must of been an animal.

I heard a thump behind me and I toke Sir Nicks bloody sword And slowly stood up, still staring at his body. Mad tears fell down my cheek. The swords medal bouncing off the flame of the fire.

I turned around to see a huge great creature. I knew it wasn't the one I saw last night because instead it's great horns towering over its head were a crimson red and so were its tail, eyes, and markings. It's fur pitch black. It roared and jumped onto me. The creatures giant paws pounded me to the ground. It then lifted its tail like a scorpion.

Suddenly another creature jumped onto the one trying to kill me. It had to be the creature I saw from last night. It had those glowing blue eyes, horns, and tail and the blazing green eyes and golden fur that shimmered to the moons light.

The blue creature lifted its blazing tail and threw it into its neck. The red creature stopped glowing and it fell limp onto the ground. Smoke rising from its small jaw.

The great beast who killed the red beast turned around towards me. "Better off to be at that farm then running off into the woods filled with the corrupted ones." It whispered.

I crawled back. "Who are you!" I Shouted.

It looked up into the starry sky. "I heard of you, Shiro. When I was young. I wanted to be just like you. Not laying around trying to protect the remaining humans. I want a destiny. Something I could look forward too."

He looked into my eyes. "Report Sir Nicks death, then after that come right back to this meadow. I'll be waiting for you."

The creature jolted away gracefully into the forest. I watched his last light fade away.


We rode in the morning to GreyHaven. The kingdom was filled with gasps as I brought Sir Nicks dead body. I lowered my head. Trying to control both my anger and tears.

I watched as they cremated his body. I threw a white rose into his flames and so did the other knights. Somehow I thought I was the reason why he died.

My body quivered every time I thought that. I watched as the smoke rose into the air. Why? Why did this have the happen to him? He didn't deserve this! I need to avenge him in some way.

I'll be waiting for you. The words whispered over and over in my head.

I walked away from the flames. I'll avenge you.

So I walked into the palace. I grabbed knights armor and a flowing golden cape. I grabbed a shiny white sword and I hopped onto my horse. I looked into the distance towards the smoke. I rode away into the forest.

The trees rattled to the speed of the horse. The whole time I thought of Sir Nick and the times we spend together. This Giant better have something good to say or I'll cut his head off myself.

I saw the sunset in the distance and I saw the familiar shacks. I rode up to the shacks and finally after those long hours of speeding across the forest I stopped the horse. The horse was panting and panting. I jumped off of him and the horse laid down in the grass and tiredly closed his eyes.

I waited there for a moment. The crickets started to chirp as the forest started to darken. I could hear an owl in the distance.

I saw a bright blue glow in the forest and I grabbed my sword.

He walked out of the forest. He looked at me with his deep green eyes. His golden short fur shimmering to the remaining light of dusk.

"You better have something good to say!" I yelled. He looked surprised. "I do." He whispered calmly back to me. I put my sword back in its case.

"You have an extra armor boost now then before, perfect." The creature whispered. "First of all tell me what you are and why your even here in the first place!" I shouted.

"I'm a Raditor. I'm supposed to be at the summer isle but instead I've been using my powers wrong or whatever and been shooed away by that stupid giant monstrosity that they call there queen. Basically I've been a bad boy and got thrown into this garbage world. My names Rayial and I'm a outcast."

"So why have I've been sent here Rayial?" I asked trying to control my anger.

"The stupid queens been bothering me all night and bragging about how 'special' you are and why you should start heading to the summer isle because they need your help. I don't know just start moving your way over there and leave me alone and let me be." He growled and started his way back into the forest.

"Wait! Where is it!" I shouted but he ignored Me.

Suddenly Rayial flinched and faced me again. "fine I'll tell you!" He was gasping like he got hurt or something. "Go to the north on boat and keep on heading that direction and then you will meet the summer isle." I saw the pain in his eyes.

"Why you look like that." I whispered. "Are you hurt or something?"

"It's the queen. She's making me do this Shiro. She's forcing me to tell you. I just hate her so much." He turned around and galloped into the forest.

I watched him silently.

What Queen? What is this mysterious Raditor? Why was I so special?

The Light | Break of Radiance BK #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora