25. Peter Has Beautiful Abs.

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"I'm fine. R-Really. I'm fine. Just a little scared." I told him looking down at my stuffed animal that laid in my lap. I couldn't bear to look at Tony's sad eyes. Tony quickly brought me into a tight hug.

"You don't need to be scared. I've doubled the security on the building, and Jarvis can't be shut down ever again. If anything happens, just yell, and I'll be here. Your safe, Sky. I promised you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." Tony told me, getting up to stand by the door.

"Do you have any night lights?" I asked quietly through my teary voice. Tony chuckled before consulting Jarvis, "Jarvis? Can you turn on a light?" A small light on the base boards flickered on.

"Thanks, Dad." I told Tony with a small pathetic smile. He returned a pained smile in returns before closing the door.

And once again I was left alone. In a room where my friend died. In a room where I had a panic attack and drew the Orange-Haired man's face. The night light on the wall only seemed to make things worse. It was casting strange shadows all across my walls. Some of the shadows I made out to look like scary monsters with giant sharp teeth. I hate my stupid imagination.

I laid down, staring up at my white ceiling for hours. Sleep just couldn't seem to find me. It might have been the creepy shadows. It also could have been the odd tingling sensation on the tip of my spine telling me someone was watching me. 

Before I knew it, it was time for school. I had told Tony I would go because I missed all of my friends and I needed to get caught up. But now I was dreading it. Being sleep deprived does not help my liking for school. Not one bit.

"Time to get up, Sky - Oh, you're already up." Tony said acknowledging my wide open eyes that happened to be stinging intensely.

"Yup." I answered, staring at the ceiling like I had done all night.

"Sky, you know you don't have to go to school today, right? You have been through hell this past week - or month. Maybe just the year in general." Tony said with a small laugh. He sat next to me on my bed. I turned my head over to him and shrugged.

"You look tired." Tony observed. I sighed and nodded.

"Wow, chatty-Kathy cool it, you're talking my ear off." Tony joked, shaking my shoulder, trying to get a reaction out of me. "Okay, that's it your staying home." Tony said, waking me out of my tired trance.

"No! I have to go to school. I need to get caught up. I don't want to fall behind." I exclaimed. Tony raised his eyebrows at me, supposedly shocked at my words.

"Skylar, you're the smartest kid I know. You won't get held back." Tony assured me.

"Can I please go to school?" I begged. If I'm being honest, I just wanted to see Peter. I didn't really care about having to catch up with my homework and other assignments.

"Why are you suddenly so hyped about school? You hate school." Tony asked, resting a hand on his hip. I searched for a seemingly good lie inside of my head.

"I-I just want to see my friends." I said, which wasn't a total lie. Peter was my friend, and I also wanted to see MJ.

"Oh, so this is about Peter?" Tony asked with amusement flashing through his eyes. What's that supposed to mean?

"I have other friends than Peter." I told him, crossing my arms with a frown.

"Sure." Tony said rolling his eyes before leaving, making me scoff. Did he seriously think I didn't have friends? Rude. I just don't like the kids at my school. They're immature little hormonal children. I have friends.

I set my anger with Tony aside for right now since I had to get ready for school. I quickly got changed into my regular clothes, throwing on a captain America shirt just to make Tony mad. I grabbed my leather jacket and backpack before leaving my room. I walked into the kitchen, expecting breakfast but was saddened to see no one cooking. 

The Breeze [Tony Starks Daughter]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz