College Politics

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I grew up in a very conservative town when I was younger. Churches were located on every corner of every street and some churches of the same domination would be located right next to each other. The standard conservative life was so important in this southern state of the United States, and I absolutely hated it. I was so against this way of living, it made no sense. I felt like I was an outsider, and I didn't belong because I thought all of these people's ideas were insane. Naturally, I considered my self a liberal person, because I thought if this is what I'm against, then the opposite must be what I'm for. 

Then I graduated high school and I went to college. The most liberal arts college in all of the state. My first day of college I realized why everyone says that once you go to college your views will turn to liberal because, the college education system pushes those views into the students brains. It's a goal of the class, it's in the syllabus, for people to learn how all these liberal ideas are true. 

When you go to high school, they make it a rule with teachers that they are not allowed to share any of their personal beliefs, religious and political. Why? I always thought as a student. It made no sense, we're not going to change based on what one person says. 

I was very wrong. 

By the second week of college I looked at people who I've known for a decade, people who in our politics class the year before fought with someone about how idiotic they were for believing in gender, and racial, and sexual equality; only to be holding up signs supporting gay rights at rallies. Wearing shirts that say black lives matter. Talking about the values of feminism on their social media pages. It's completely absurd. 

You'd think by the time you become a legal adult you wouldn't be as susceptible to what others have to say and letting them influence your thoughts. But they do. All these professors, the people who went to years and years of schooling, just pass out their thoughts on politics like its free samples at a frozen yogurt shop. 

I asked my history professor on the first day of class as a first year, "Where is the coolest place you've been to?" I expected an answer like a famous city, an international country, etc. Well, I sort of got that. She replied. 

"Barcelona. Because in Barcelona they we influenced by communism back in the day and now they have all of their communist statues far far away from their city and from tourist sites because they're ashamed. Barcelona knows what to do and we should do the same thing here in the states with every politically offensive statue, including the one we have on campus. Every monument should be taken down and destroyed because white supremacy is a a fear that has swept the nation since this country was founded in 1492." Keep in mind she's an unmarried white woman in her 40's, no kids, just some cats. 

All I wanted to know was Barcelona. 

College, at least this one that I attended, is so liberal you can't breathe. You can't leave your room or open your school email without an article, a person, a poster, expressing inequalities and social justice. College is excessively liberal to the point where you're ashamed to have any liberal ideas because they push it to the next level. 

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