----Time Skip----

When we arrived at the party Sasuke knocked on the door. It didn't take long before Sakura opened it. She didn't seem to notice me, which I am glad she didn't. Sasuke greeted her and gave her a present. Shit! How could I forget to bring a present! I began panicking. What am I going to do?

"Thanks so much for the present Sasuke!" Sakura yelled and hugged him. Sasuke didn't seem to care though.

"It is from me and Naruto." he then walked inside. Sakura followed him looking weird at him, but let it go. I could then hear her yell.

"Thank you Naruto! Just make yourself at home." I nodded and took a step inside.

To my surprise the other guys were also dressed up. Kiba and Akamaru was dressed up as police? And police dog? I think. Hinata was a princess I think. Sakura had a big crown and a something around her waist that said "prom queen". I think Ino was.....I don't even know what that is. Shikamaru didn't dress up because it was such a drag. Gaara didn't dress up either. Choji was a bag of chips. I had to hold my breath not to laugh at Choji. Then suddenly everything went quite. I saw all the eyes shifting to look at me. Everyone except Sasuke. He only shot a glance and looked away again. I just smiled. My legs were shaking a bit. Everyone was just staring and some mouths dropped.

"H-hi everyone" I managed to say.

"N-Naruto!" Everyone yelled. I scratched my head and sat down on the couch. Can this get any worse. I spoke too soon. Kiba was on his way over here to probably make fun of me. He sat down.

"So Naruto. What's up with the outfit?" I could see he looked at me. Up and down. Every single part of my body was being examined.

"U-m I-it's" I coulden't form any words. What was I suppose to say anyway!? I looked down trying to think of anything to say.

"It looks good though. Hehe" I began chuckling. Soon Gaara came over too. And Neji (who just arrived) and Choji. Soon everyone was looking and talking and touching me. And no! Not in that kind of way you pervs! I just sat there trying to get what everyone was saying. Then I felt a hand at my leg. It went upwards until it reached my skirt.

"Are you wearing panties too Naruto?" Kiba chuckled.

"W-what!?" my face went all red. He then lifted my skirtmup slowly.

"Let's find out." My eyes widened and I hesitated to pull my skirt down. Please don't. They can't find out....What can I say! When it comes to Sasuke and dressing up he looks at everything! He didn't want to let me go out before I wore the whole thing! My face was still red like a tomatoe.

"So Naruto you are?" Choji asked.

"N-no! I-I am n-"

"Then why did u hesitate?" Shikamaru asked. Damn that brain of his! Detecting every detail.

"Um I...."

"Dobe come over here for 2 sec" I was actually relieved to hear Sasuke's voice. I hesitated,again, and ran over to Sasuke who was now standing in the hallway.
When I reached him he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside the house. Since it was late no one was outside so I was safe.

"Thanks Sasuke." I panted. Exhausted from running.

"What do you think you were doing?" My eyes widened.

"What do u mean?" Then Sasuke's hand flew right next to my face and hit the wall. He then trapped me with putting his other hand on the other side of my head.

"Letting them touch you like that." My face reddened.

"I-I did not!" I pouted. Then Sasuke's face came closer to mine.

"Don't lie. I saw them. I heard them. Well I should have thought this might happen if I put you in such an outfit." he smirked and licked my ear. I could feel a shot of pleasure rushing trough my body.

"Nh" I bit my lip preventing myself from moaning.

"I mean look at you." He bit my ear lightly. Then licked it again. Sending several waves of pleasure through my body. Then he whispered huskily in my ear with his most sexiest voice.

"You look so fuckable right now." My eyes widened in shock.

Did Sasuke just say that? Does he want to-to-to fuck me? It felt like my face was burning up.

"S-Sasuke?" I managed to say.

"If you don't want to you can resist, but I will probably take you anyway." I could feel his smirk. Then a poof.

-----Time Skip---

The next second I found myself in his house. Sasuke was now carrying me bridal style. My vision was a little blurry at the moment.

"Sasuke? We're are we going?" he smirked.

"To my bedroom. Or do u want to do it here?" he was serious before?!

"W-wait what!?" I tried to get loose but Sasuke had already pinned me to the bed the next second I opened my eyes again.

"I told you. I have hold back so long Naruto. I can't wait anymore. I want you."

"S-Sasuke" I can't believe my own ears. Sasuke want me?

Before I could think any further he attacked my neck. He licked it all the way before biting right under my ear. I bit my lip again. Preventing the moan that wanted to escape. I clenched Sasuke's shirt. He then sucked harder and licked my ear.

"ah!" I coulden't help myself. It felt so good. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Trying desperately,to prevent any more moans to escape.

"You know Naruto. Get so turned on everytime you moan." He then pressed our erections together. (believe me when I said erection) Mymbody was on fire.

"Ah! S-Sasuke" I coulden't think clearly anymore. It felt too good. My body was craving for more. Sasuke continued to rub our erections together. Going faster than before.

"ah....nh..." I coulden't stop myself from moaning. Even though I tried. I hate that Sasuke can make me lose controll so easy.

>.<.>.<.>.<Sasuke's P.O.V>.<.>.<.>.<

Oh my god. Naruto was so hot right now. Moaning below me like that. I can cum just by the sight of him like this. So innocent. I have always wanted this. And now I have it. I have him. He is under my control. I literary ripped the clothes off him making him completely naked. I stared at him enjoying every second and part of his body. He blushed.

"D-don't stare like that." he turned away not wanting eye contact. I smirked.

Then I bent down and licked his nipple. He shivered at the touch. I licked it again before I began sucking on it.

"Ah!" Naruto tilted his head back in pleasure. When the nipple was hard enough I went on to the next one. I felt Naruto's hand reach out for me wanting me to get up. I obeyed and went to his face looking into his half closed blue eyes. His mouth was open and he breathed heavily. I could feel his body heat. He was very turned on by now. I smirked.

"S-Sasuke you too.....ah.....your clothes....ah" I tugged lightly at my shirt.

"W-what about them?" I waited for an answer even though I know what he meant.

"T-take them....nh....off" I leaned down licking his cheeks savoring his taste.

"Why don't you help me?"


Wohoo! Yaoi smex hehe.... If you want the rest vote and comment ;) The more the faster <3 Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke such dirty thoughts.

Sasuke: shut up.

Bunny-Chan: Nah don't be angry with me I will let you finish.....hehe

Sasuke: Hn

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