''Stop him Sean, please"' Tonia sobs pulling Megan who is being held by Ruth who is being pulled by Charles forcefully..Kiki had been standing by the door,hearing everything and then crying loudly calling her mother.Due to the commotion no one pays attention to her,no one hears her.Charles is pulling Ruth they are going towards the road..he is flagging down a taxi with one hand and pulling Ruth with the other.

''let me go Charles''

''No!! let go of your mother Megan or i will slap you"'

''You will not touch my daughter!"' Ruth shouts at him,angered now,Charles lets go of Ruth,pulls Megan away and raises his hand to hit her,Sean catches his hands before he could land a slap across Megan's face,Kiki seeing it runs to them,she grabs Charles hands and is hitting him..

''Let go of my mummy!!'she cries..

"'Who the hell are you to dare to stop me from hitting my daughter!!'' Charles charges at Sean ignoring the little girl screaming

''You dare touch her and i swear to God..you have no idea what i will do to you,her father or not...no one touches her..no one!!"' Sean grabs his shirt..

''Sean No!!'' Megan begs..

Charles points at Sean ''You dare to threaten me, Charles? You have no idea what she has done or put us through"'

''I do not and i don't care,she is your child DAMNIT!''

''she isn't not with a bastard child, no she isn't''

''stop it Charles!!'' Ruth begs

''No,i won't"'

''my daughter had a father and i am tired of it all...this ends TODAY!!"' Megan screams at her father

They are shouting at each other,no one pay attention to the crying Kiki, no one sees her turning and walking away..running away..from the noise,the shouting and the fighting.

No one does until it is too late...and then......

They hear the tires screech,they see the car swerving and hitting the fence...then they say a girl lying on the floor,unmoving.then finally,they see a small pool of blood.

''KIKI!!!"''Megan screams,then she began to run towards her daughter lying in the middle of the road..she wasn't breathing.

''Call 911 SOMEBODY, CALL 911..KIKI!!'' Megan wails,Tonia grabs her phone and dails..her voice breaking and her hands shaking...

Sean has his hands on his head and one to his heart..something happened to his heart..as he staggers..

Charles freezes,Ruth,Tonia and Zachary rushes to Megan as Sean gets there first gathering Kiki into his arms..

''she..she isn't breathing '' he chokes as tears feels his eyes,

"she isn't breathing"' his eyes meets Megan's...she began to wail  hysterically like a crazy person.


Sean drives like a mad man,his heart was beating fast,Megan is wailing in the car calling Kiki's name and begging her to open her eyes,her cloths are stained with Kiki's blood, so were his.

Ruth is praying and consoling her,Tonia is calling the hospital telling them they are closeby. Zachary is behind them following them in a taxi who had stopped at the scene, the couple whose car had hit Kiki were in there with them, they are shaken..Charles is silent,speechless. He never planned for this to happen..he never planned for this. He was angry, he had held that pain and bitterness and anger towards his daughter for years..if only he had forgiven, if only he had let it all go and just like Ruth had come to meet his daughter..today he would have gotten his family back.

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