Chapter three

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“Daddy please “ She begged. She had left the streets, cried in the arms of Tonia and thought of  a million things I could do. Tonia and her Aunt couldn’t take me in, her aunt was a retired nurse, they weren’t exactly well to do, no friend wanted another pregnant friend to feed, and parents would frown to have their kids around her. She couldn’t run away, the money she had might last her what? a couple of hours or a couple of days least, she lived off her family, she hadn’t even found a job since she graduated.

Tonia suggests going for abortion again “My father will kill me” she had told her, tears dropping down her eyes

“Well he might. He’ll be angry for awhile, but the kid is gone and in a couple of months all will be forgotten” Tonia had said “Let’s go. The boy Sean didn’t even want to listen to you, or know whether what you say was true. I mean it took you a month to remember and I am sure you both were so drunk and stoned that night that the events just suppressed  in your minds, I can’t believe he just left like that’’ Tonia says

they had gone back to the O’Connor’s house, it was only the maid at home, she told them that Sean wasn’t coming back, he was relocating out of the city to another, his parents were out of town and wouldn’t be back for months and there was no way she was giving  a stranger their contact details.

‘’my father will kill me” Megan cried again as they left

“Abort the baby!!’’ Tonia persisted

Megan shook her head “i have to go home first, I can’t , not without their permission, I can’t. they will kill me, disown me ..i can’t !” she repeats


Megan comes back home to find her mother crying , her father pacing, he turns and asks her, his eyes bloodshot.

“Where is he??’’

“I am sorry daddy, please” she went on my knees and begged , Tonia sighs falling to her knees to beg too. Megan told her father what happened, she told him the boy left.

Her mother gasps, a fresh flow of tears gushes down her face, her father was beyond furious ‘’How could you be so careless and bring this shame upon yourself? how, it’s because of her right..this wayward friend you have?’’ he points to Tonia, coming towards her.

“Daddy , I am sorry, it’s my fault. Mummy please, scream and shout at me just don’t..dont..send me away “ Megan bursts out crying

“You are a disgrace!!!’’ her father spat. “A disgrace, how do I look at the congregation of people in church, how do I talk in public and be able to counsel families and people’s children and not able to tame my daughter and make sure she leaves right? You have ruined me Megan, you have soiled my reputation and everything I have built over the years, you are a disgrace, a DISGRACE!!!’’ he spat again

“I am sorry father” but he turns away “Mum, mum please “ Megan crawls to her mother but she turns away, crying into her handkerchief..

Broken, she lays on the floor and cried.

“You get out of my house, get out now!!!’’ Father thunders at Tonia, she gets up and runs outside. Megan knew she wouldn’t leave alone unless she was sure she was save, she could feel her standing behind the closed door
‘’This is what you will do Megan, good thing you are no longer a child, you will get married and you will give birth to their child in the confines of a home and you will leave my house to your husband’s. You will not abort because my faith is against killing an innocent child but you will bear the consequences of you carelessness”

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