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Charles sees his wife , he speaks to her ignoring Megan.

"'Ruth,i came to get you, let us go"'he ignores Megan speaking to his wife

"No i am not going anywhere"' she shakes her head "'I came to see my daughter and my little girl, and you should see what a wonderful woman she has grown into and our granddaughter? She is so beautiful and bright and has our chin,oh need to see her-"

''See who?The girl who abandons her family to go away to have a child for a man who didn't want the child and left her alone and didn't care or possibly has no idea he has a child?The girl who didn't care how her family suffered when she got pregnant fresh out of college,not even aware how it destroyed our lives too,my reputation and ministry and how i had to start from the start?Thesame girl who was ungrateful when we tried to help her save face and cover her shame and we sorted out good suitors for her so the child ...a bastard child can have a father, grown in a family and be loved. Thesame girl who ran away in the middle of the night and haven't returned ever since.that same girl you want me to forgive and take back? No Ruth! she left, so she should stay away,i do not care about her nor do her care about her bastard child..she is no daughter of mine,she is a disgrace!!''

Megan is standing at the door, tears falling down her eyes,she is trembling in pain and anger and more,but she remains quiet.

Tonia is angry, she flares up "'Disgrace you say?Thesame girl despite her parent's not reaching out to help manages to stand on her own,raise that child you dare call a bastard and has a good life albeit not fantastic.Thesame girl who calls you up a thousand times and you refused to pick,sent you hundreds of messages you do not reply to,who drives down everytime to drop presents for you and you do no reciprocate.Thesame girl who has beat herslf up for years for her mistake and has been trying to make amends,who has managed to live right and raised her daughter right..and that girl isn't a bastard..she has a father and i will have you know that he is stan-''

''Tonia, please''!! Megan sobs shaking her head, Tonia bites her lips

''Damnit Megan,for once in your life..speak THE HELL UP!!''

''You!You are the friend right?you were the bad influence on her.If she had listed to me from the start she wouldn't have gotten pregnant.All these happened because of were bad company right from the start.Ruth,come now we are leaving!!''

''i will not go anywhere,i told you,if you weren't coming to make peace,you shouldn't have come Charles..but i refuse to let my heart hurt,i refuse to remain in pain and anger and forgiveness. go home,go home to your mystery but i carried my baby for nine months and i cannot be away from her no more!!'' Ruth shouts

Sean is speechless,okay what the hell did he just walk into?he sees Zachary coming down from the car and walking towards them.. "'What the hell bro,what's happening?''

"'No idea..i think all hell just broke loose!!'' he breaths, his heart aches seeing Megan face wet with tears...

''You are coming with me and you are coming now!! Let her and her bastard child stay alone forever!!''

''Will you stop calling her that dad!!"' Megan's lips trembles

''I am not your father. You lost that right a long time again when you got pregnant with no father to claim your child and you left home disregarding us your parents,she is a bastard!! And you Megan are a bad influence on the little girl because if you couldn't obey and listen to our instructions,i wonder how you can be able to raise her to be obedient and good...i pity the girl,i fear for her"' he spat, it shoots through Megan's heart as though a knife was twisting her heart.

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