"'It is actually,because it seems that as much as you try to keep this two apart you can't.Did you see Kiki's face,she is happy,not knowing that is her father,and you see Sean's?"

"'He is like that because he feels guilty"'

''Guilty for what actually?For four years ago?he has no idea''

"'For the ball and the child services"'

"'Megan don't be silly,he seems genuine to me,i'll say tell him,he wouldn't be any different"'

"'he will and i won't"'

"'Fine,but tell me you don't have a certain joy in your heart seeing them both like that''

"'No,i feel sadness,fear,uncertaintly and forbearing ""

"'Don't! just let it happen okay"" Tonia says picking up bread,a smile tugging at her lips ""he is really handsome you know,all suited up that day and after a sleep over,even with the weird make up on his face,Kiki really did a makeover on him,if she ever decides to become a makeup artist,she would be a disaster'' she laughs

Against her better judgement,Megan laughs "'I nearly screamed out of fear seeing his face like that"' she laughs

"'And he still didn't mind,most men would have biten her head off,but look at him,going on with her like that.."'
"'Yeah, he didn't mind'' Megan admits then she frowns

"'So where did he sleep,in the room,on the bed with you two?And whose tracksuit is that?Did he carry an overnight bag?"'

''On the couch don't be ridiculous. No,that's my father's.. had always had it,i just gave him to wear, and i saw him naked last night"' she adds closing her eyes, waiting for it

Silence!! Then an outburst!!

"'You what?How?Wait you just said you guys didn't then...i don't get!Wait,does he look good as he does with cloths and without it?Wait what am i even saying,you guys have already slept together before,you got a kid ...silly me"'Tonia shakes her head smiling

"'No!i was drunk and i don't remember what he looks like because i didn't wait to see and it was four years ago and was younger,now he is all manly...great body and erm..."' she blushes and turns away

"'That great of a body right? You blushing'' Tonia smiles stuffing bread into her mouth

"'Nope not that great,and i am not"' Megan lies

"'Yeah,your cheeks turn pink and your hands are shaking,how long has it been since you...you know...went down that path?'' Tonia winks

"'Since Kiki'' she admits,Damn! Four long years..wow!she should get into Guiness book of records for being celibate that long.

"'Yeah would explain the way you are looking,your blush can be seen from mile away"' Tonia is laughing, "'For worth is worth,your baby daddy is hot,it won't hurt to fantasy a little Megan,i mean..it wouldn't hurt to erm,want him again"'

"'Get out Tonia!"' Megan throws crumbs of bread at Tonia who ducks laughing,they turn hearing kiki squeal and Sean's laughter

"'See,those two are having fun,live a little Megan,let her have a little joy okay,i bet she hasn't been this happy for a while..let her,you live a little too,don't worry about what's about to happen,let it,if you don't want to tell him,fine,your decision,but let them enjoy the company that is coming to them naturally..you never know what God has planed.Let them Megan,without you or me,they are here ..enjoying themselves..father and daughter unknown,let them,whatever happens will happen okay"' Tonia says coming to Megan

"'I am scared"'

''I know,don't be..for today,let her be happy with a father she never knew"'

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