Ch 19: The Grinding Wheel

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Beyond the glow of the oil lamps, Eskander discerned scantily clad women lounging on velvet couches and settees. Tucked away in alcoves, some of the concubines lay with companions, indulging them with wine, food, and shameless caresses. From a shadowy corner, a girl with golden tresses arched, letting the décolletage of her robe slip down to reveal a pair of pert, tawny breasts. Closer to Eskander, a copper-skinned woman with sultry eyes and wide hips dipped her hand between her thighs before beckoning to Eskander with glistening fingertips.

Eskander swallowed hard, then looked away. He was less unsettled by the women's flirtations than the idea that anyone of worth, let alone a Seh'nahiel noble, could be found in such a despicable locale.

The Grinding Wheel was among the last places Eskander would ever expect to find one of the arrogant and aloof citizens from the great City of A'diel. The Seh'nahiel held as much esteem for Reyza as they did for a steaming turd. They were an insular and condescending lot who treated other bloodlines with a detached imperiousness that bordered on contempt. Were it not for their deft politics, powerful magic, and incredible wealth they would not be tolerated in Reyza, let alone welcomed.

Eskander had minimal experience dealing with Seh'nahiel, and that suited him just fine—the nobles of Reyza required enough ass-kissing and hand-holding as it were.

Eskander stepped into the dim brothel's parlor and glowered at the nearest concubine. The dusky-skinned woman rose from her divan and approached him with the slow, predatory steps of a huntress. Her hips swayed with promise as she circled him, eyeing him like a piece of meat. "We don't get the pleasure of entertaining many from your order, but the ones who do frequent our establishment never disappoint. The Ca'Dezer certainly know how to ride."

Eskander raised his chin. "I am not interested in your entertainment."

The woman's fingertips traced up along Eskander's arm as she turned to face him. "Are you certain? We can provide many forms of diversion, good sir."

"I am not here for a woman," Eskander replied.

"You wish the pleasure of a boy?" the woman asked.

Heat rushed into Eskander's cheeks. "What!? No, I seek a man!"

Eskander winced when the woman let out an amused giggle. He could have kicked himself for stammering.

The woman's heated glance dropped to Eskander's groin. She licked her lips. "I seek a man as well."

The seductress knew her trade well and was gifted in the dance. Eskander gritted his teeth and ignored the tightening in his breeches. He continued with a more professional tone. "Mejtress, I am here on official business."

"Oh, I see." The woman's demeanor shifted as swiftly as storm clouds. A scowl replaced the inviting shine in her eyes as a patron pulled away from the embrace of a concubine and began to dress with haphazard alacrity. The woman placed her hands on her hips and squared off in front of Eskander. "Well, then you best be quick about it. You are bad for my business."

"Your business?"

"Yes, my business. Let's knock off the little-boy-lost act, shall we? I am Lyssandra, and the Grinding Wheel is my house. If you are here about noise complaints, I have already paid my fines this month. Your comrades have already plundered a full week's worth of earnings to leave me and my girls in peace. I am not paying you one filthy penny more until next month."

Eskander clenched his fists. "I am no grifter here to pry money from your hands, nor am I aware of any complaints or fines. If city guardsmen are extorting you, tell me the names of these criminals and I shall see to it they are properly dealt with. The Ca'Dezer Cavalry serves all of Reyza without prejudice."

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