"Yes, Please. Answer these questions in truth." Maxon said firmly. Me watching next to me.

"Do you know about Aspen and America's history?"

"Yes. I was listening in on it as it happened."

"Have you told anyone?" Maxon asked suspiciously.

"No," She said as she fiddle with her thumbs.


"I. Didn't. Tell. Anyone."

"I know your lying. You twiddle your thumbs if you're hiding something!" Maxon accused.

"Maxon, calm dow-" I started. "No America! Don't tell me to calm down. The public is demanding that I marry another." 

I left the room, hoping that he would finish without me. I felt hurt, I tried to ask him to calm down. That's all I asked. It was for his own good.


"Yes, you're soon to be Highness?"

"Stop that" I played. "Can I ask you a question?" 

"Yes, always."

"Is the public mad at me? Do they not trust me? Are they scared that I might damage the country?"

"Woah. One question at a time..." She warned. "Maxon loves you, I'm sure that he won't let the public decide who he wants to marry."

"I guess, but do they hate me? Answer as if you aren't one of my friends."

"Yes. They hate you, I've seen the banners, signs and just hate thrown across."

"Oh god...What have I done."

"America It's fine, Your overrea-"

All of a sudden Paige started to curtsy. I started to tell her not to, but Maxon was just behind me."

"May I speak with Lady America alone please?" He said, referring to Paige.

"Of course."

"It was Kriss." 

"What?" I whispered.

"She told her mother and her aunt. Word spread like wildfire."

"Oh no... Will she be canned?"

"Yes. Only 6 times."

"Only?! I was canned twice, that seemed like it was the most painful thing ever."

"America, we have to issue the law here. Blackmail is illegal. What she did was illegal."

"What I did was illegal too..."

"You were pardoned." He smiled.

"When is the canning?"



I had no idea what Kriss told. Why she did it. Maybe so that she would have an excuse on why Maxon didn't choose her? 

I honestly had no idea, but I had to get through this. Whether I liked it or not.

"Lady America. Come."

Her parents were there, but this felt all wrong. I would have pardoned Kriss. We would have told the public sooner or later. But Maxon wants to punish someone. To make excuses for what we did, and how it would affect Kriss.

"I'm sorry Kriss"

"Save it. You could have fought, but no, you just sat there, ran out of the room."

"I'm not queen, I can't do anything!"

"Please! You had the Kings children! You could do whatever you wanted and he wouldn't care."

Kriss was strapped to the same box Marlee was tied to.

This was aired on live television, but I really hoped it wasn't. No one should see someone else's mistakes, burden an innocent person.

Granted, Kriss wasn't innocent, but just as guilty as anyone of us.

"Words you'd like to say to your King and future Queen?"

"America! This is your fault! Why am I the one being punished when you had TWINS before marriage. Seeing other men while in the selection. Your offence was far greater than mine, so why am I paying for YOUR mistakes!?"

"Enough," Maxon yelled, but the public seemed to agree with her.

"Yea! Why should she be on the throne if all of us had to suffer?"

"She is just as bad as any eight in the streets!"

"She doesn't deserve this!"


"One." Maxon cried out, shouting it was about to start. 

I didn't want Maxon to see I was crying. So I took my hair out. And put it in front of my face. Hoping that would be enough to hide everything I lost.

Maxerica: That One BulletTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon