Soon, So Soon

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100 votes? Jeez, I love you all so much. I wake up every day with the cutest and kindest comments ever! It just makes my day so much better. I have such loyal readers. <3 

Maxon's POV

America.....Why? If you asked, maybe I would have listened. Or maybe I would just ignore her just like all the other times. She deserved more, after what she has been through. God, I let her slip out of my fingers one too many times. 

"We need to send more troops to the southern part. The rebels have been growing tremendously. And I don't think the rebels or the public would like to see their family members risking their lives, for your children." The general said.

"Frankly, I don't care. America's coming home tonight. She is coming home with the twins, and we will get married. Had a coronation, and Illea will have a new queen." I replied. There was no way in hell I was letting this guy boss me around.

"I'll have the troops prepare, we leave in 10. Are you coming, your Majesty?" He asked me.

"Of course. I will be the first to see America." I replied with no hesitation.


America's POV

"Hey, you will be alright," I said to May, hoping that she would calm down and tell me where Kota was. "May, you survived through hunger, loss, and the cold. Kota can't bring you down." I encouraged.

She smiled and said, "I know that I just like to hear it from you" She joked, wiping tears off her face. "Kota's near the Capital right now. He didn't say anything, but he did leave this note." 


I knew you would come home to see your "Precious children". Come on now, you were too easy to break. Do us a favor and just marry Aspen. He's an okay guy, but Maxon and his job would eat you up alive. I'm at the capitol. It's been 10 hours already. Gerads also with me. I thought that since he would follow me everywhere I go, I might as well get something out of it...See ya later America. I know you're reading this note and getting in the car right now...

"I need to go now May..." I said, reaching for my purse.

"I want to go," May said. She didn't look like she was kidding.

"No! It's too dangerous and you said it yourself, Kota can't bring me down. He's the worst of the worst." May argued. I got angry at her and started yelling.

"May! I don't want you hurt! Stay with mom. I know Maxon will try and find me, If he comes home, tell him that I went to Kent." I said.

"But you're not going...." May said skeptically. "Why would you lie?" She asked. 

"No time, tell Maxon I said to take you and mom to the palace. Have the guards question what Kota has done." 

"America....Please be safe." May said, about to cry. 

"Promise. If I don't come back, tell Maxon the truth." I said. Kissing her forehead, and ran out the door.


Maxon's POV

"Search the house first. Kota has to be somewhere." I ordered.

"Yes sir," All the guards said back.

"Maxon! I heard a high pitched voice yell.

"May?" I yelled back. "Is America here? Or was she here....?" I asked.

"Yes, she was here.....She left for Kent though..." There was some slight discomfort in her voice, so I asked again. "Are you sure? America is going against southern rebels right now. They are known to kill, please May, if she's really in Kent, tell me now." I said without a single doubt that she was remotely near Kent. 

"She's in the capital. Mer told me to say that. She wanted to do this by herself. Prove to you that she could do it." 

"I know she can do a lot of things, but going up a rebel group individually is impossible," I explained.

"Maxon, Please, protect her." May pleaded.

"With my life....." I said. "Okay men, let's go. We have people to save....." 

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