Was It The Truth?

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Sorry that I haven't been updating, it's just that I lost my bus pass and I have this god damn homework. Anyways, excuses, excuses, I'll try and update more <3

Maxon's POV

"Maxon, Promise me you won't get mad," Daphne said, already looking too scared for my liking.
"Why aren't you not in France?" I sneered back at her. 
"I love you! That's why I refuse to go! It's not like I wanted to come here because I wanted to visit, I mean I do, but I want you!" She yelled, about to cry. 

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel the same way...." I said, pushing her back. 

"Fine then, America and her children can have you! Just know that I would never purposely try and fall down over flights of stairs to prevent me from doing any work. I'm a lady, I wouldn't push my work just because something else came up!" She said, not giving me another glance. 

"Wait! What did you say?!" I yelled at her. 

"I said that America purposely fell down those stairs to prevent herself from doing any work. Jeez Maxon, get it together." She said. I vaguely heard her, but I was already running upstairs to the hospital wing. 


"America, explain to me what happened that night!" I whisper yelled. 

"Hm?" She said as she woke up. "Maxon, I'm tired, can you come so other time? I have the caste situation sorted out, you can check it, but it might be a little messed up since the medicines started making me drowsy." She said, still tired. 

"Explain what happened that night," I almost yelled. '

"What do you mean?" She said, finally getting up. 

"Daphne said that you purposely tried to fall down those stairs! You didn't want to do any work so you got yourself out of it!" I yelled at her. 

"SHHHH!" She whispered. "Eadlyn and Ahren are right there! Sleeping!" 

"Did you do it on purpose?!" I finally broke and yelled. 

"Why does it matter? Daphne told you didn't she? Is her word more trustworthy than mine?" 

"America! Answer the goddamn question!!!" I screamed. 

She seemed a little scared now, but more angry than scared. She was angry about me waking Ahren and Eadlyn up. 

"Why? Why would you ever trust her word over mine." She said glaring at me. 

"Tell me, did you just want the crown then not want to do any of the work? Did you really think I'm that dumb? Marry you, then you think that you don't need to do anything?" I questioned. 

"You know, Doctor Ashlar, Please excuse all my visitors, I'm feeling quite sick, and I don't think I can sleep through this," I called to Doctor Ashlar who escorted me out. 

"I'm sorry, The Queen can't sleep in circumstances like this, you'll have to wait..." 

"The Queen, my ass! She can't do anything, even the smallest of tasks." 

With such a movement so fast that could have nearly given me a cut. She threw her caste work at me, causing everything to scatter. 

"Read it. The name will be Maybelle." She said. 

At first, I was confused, but as she walked back to her bed, I realize that she was referring to the little baby. Maybelle. Referring to her sister...

Maxerica: That One BulletWhere stories live. Discover now