Fire Away

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I'm sorry. but, that doesn't make up for it... I wasn't grateful for the readers I was getting. I was doing my own thing, and I was reading other people's fanfiction but forgetting that people were doing the same just with my work. You read a fanfiction and you are frustrated with the author that they didn't finish it. You look at the last updated, and it reads updated 2 months ago. Yep. I know that feeling,  and I have done it to all my readers. I'm sorry. If you made it this far and still reading it this far, I give my thanks. 

Maxon POV

"Your Majesty? I'm aware that this has been a long few nights for you, but you must remember something, right?" The doctor asked. 

I felt that he was going to tell her that I and America were in a fight, so I didn't even hesitate to dismiss him. 

"You're dismissed, please, pack your bags," I told him. He looked at me with such confusion as he walked out of the room. Carefully and trying not to upset me. 

"America, Honey, I'm for you," I whispered, taking her hand and placing it in mine. You're safe, and forever will be.  

"Hmmm," She said rubbing her eyes. 

I was relieved. My America was fine now. No harm was done. Now to get to the bottom of what really happened. 

"Do you remember anything before you fell?" I asked eagerly. Maybe a bit too eagerly. 

"No how are you? No are you okay?" She questioned. "Maybe you should go do your Kingly duties. I have Mary and Lucy with me." 

"Look, I'm sorry, but I need to know what happened," I said with a smile. 

"Fine. All I remember was walking down the stairs. It wasn't that bad, but I saw someone. And, after these few years, I've gotten good in heels. Maybe I fell on my own, Maybe I didn't." 

"Ahh. I see. Well, eat up, you must be starving. You had quite a fall." I said getting up. 

"You're right. I'm eating for two for the rest of these few months." She smiled at me. 

I put the words together. They didn't hit me until I thought about the damage I had done. Shit. 

"America..." I said. 

"Hmm?" She looked confused. 

"Nothing." I gave her a fake smile and walked out the door. The second the door shut, I was on my way to the Doctors office. 


"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled. No, I screamed. Like an insane king would do, but the situation was appropriate. I lost a baby. 

"You sent me out. You dismissed me. I owe you nothing right now." The doctor said as he walked out the door. 

"Stop! I command you." I bellowed out for him to hear, and half the palace to hear. 

"You did that on your own. Whose to say I wouldn't have told you? We will never know since you dismissed me, didn't you?" He replied. "The minute I walk out of those palace doors, the entire kingdom will know what you have done to America, and how you treated her. And how foolish you were to believe Daphne over America. Give my best to the Queen, as I am no longer her doctor. I'll send my papers and documents of my patients to the future one." He said, shaking his head leaving. 

The truth hit me. I killed my baby. 

Maxerica: That One BulletDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora