Bloody Hell

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More drama with Maxon's POV now....

"Bloody hell! What the hell have you done now Maxon? You let Kriss go, America gave birth, and now my grandchild is stolen."

"Just one. Ahren."

"Yes! The important one!"

"Father! Eadlyn should be just as important to you!" 

"Can she rule the country?!"

"Of course she can, you just don't trust her. Have faith father."

"Son. Just stop there. Ahren is more important. End of discussion."

"No father stop. They are both equally important."

"Didn't I hear a rumor about in a crisis, you would choose Ahren over Eadlyn. Or is that just me?" My father said with a knowing smirk.

"Father. That's different. This is between life and death." 

"Ughh, where is the mother? Shouldn't she be watching them? Where was she? Off with another man?"

"No, of course not. America's not like that."

"Find her..."


America's POV

I woke up with a huge headache. I couldn't remember anything. I tried to, but nothing. I walked down the path filled with paintings. Such beauty.

"America! There you are! Have you heard? Ahren is missing!"

"Who's Ahren?"

"America, are you alright, tell me your kidding. Please."


"Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know! My Sister? Cousin!"

"Oh no..."

I ran out of the room. Straight into a young man. Looked about my age. 

"America..... I'm sure you've heard. I'm sorry, I should have protected you more."

"Why are you sorry?"

"For losing the twins."

"What twins? Whose America?"

Suddenly, his jaw dropped.

"No. No. No. Tell me you're just getting revenge on me. Tell me you're just playing with me. You have to be kidding."

He was holding on to my wrists and I didn't like that. I tried to get off, but the more I tried, the more he gripped harder.

"Let go of me!"

"America! I am your future husband! No!"

"Stop it! Let go of me!"

Suddenly, a couple of cute men in uniforms came. Wearing the same blue across the palace. Or wherever I was. 

"Take her to jail. She belongs there" A strong voice said. Possibly the ruler?


"Lady America?"

"I'm not America! Stop calling me that!!"

"I'm sorry, what should we call you?" 

"Just don't talk to me. My head hurts like crazy."

"Come. King Clarkson wants to talk to you."


"Nevermind. Just follow me."

"America...What a pleasure."

"I'm not America! Everyone needs to stop calling me that." I yelled at the king.

"Don't you remember me?" The same man who gripped on my wrists.

"Yes, I do. You were the one who couldn't let go one me. You were the one who insists that I was your wife! I want nothing to do with you!" I yelled at him.


"Stop calling me that! If this America is the one you're looking for, I'm not her."

"Fine. You're not America. That would do us all some good." The king said. Well assuming since he had that giant ass crown.

"Thank you for not addressing me by that name. I have no idea who I am, where I am, who I'm with or why."

"Do you know where Ahren is?"

"Who is Ahren!?"

"You don't remember our kids?" The man spoke again.

"We had kids?! I want nothing to do with you!"


"I remember... Nothing. Everything expects I woke up with a headache that still lasts till this moment."

"It's 2:00 P.M."

"Can I talk to you America?"

"I'm not America!" 

"Fine. Can I at least talk with you."

"You can say it right now."

"You don't remember anything?"

"No did I have some sort of life?"

"Yes! I was amazing, you and I were going to get married, and have more kids, and have everything."

"Stop there."

"Yes please.." Said the king.

"I'm sorry I do not remember you."

"America, where is the heir?"

"The heir?"


"I have no idea! Stop acting like I know all the answers I don't!"

"Arggggghhh. Maxon. Get the doctor. Now."

"No, I'm not leaving her here with you."

"No. Please get out. I don't want you here." I said to him.

"Please. I want to stay here."

"OUT. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" He appeared to be crying, but honestly, i didn't care. He assumed we were getting married and have kids when I don't know the first thing about him.

He walked out of the doors and looked at me one last time. I hated him. I hated him with a passion.


"America. So, your memory. It's gone. Right?"

"I don't remember anything."

"Well do you know the man you just sent out?"


"He is the most selfish man ever. It's a good thing you saw his true nature."

"But, he's so kind."

"Yes, but that's just because he wants your children. Why was he so demanding of you marrying him?"

"Good point."

"You remember your family right?"

"Yes, of course." 

"Name them"

"May, Kenna, Gerad, My parents, and Kota, and Astra."

"Good. If you sign these, you can go back home. Promise"

"Ok, Give me the pen"

"I didn't care at all about what I was signing. I wanted to go home. So badly."

"Pack your bags Lady America. You are going home right now." 

"Without saying goodbye?"

"To a selfish man who has no personality whatsoever?"


"Goodbye, King Clarkson."

He didn't even say goodbye, he just left.

Maxerica: That One BulletOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora