Chapter 25

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Wassup beautiful people of the world!!
School is just around the corner for me and my sister. Funny thing is our classes don't start till 6pm that day but we going in at 4 because we don't know where the fuck we going!

Our next shout out goes to JadeSmith734

As anyone told you, you're as beautiful as you're name? If not, then let me be to first to say

Well anyways we'll stop being an embarrassment and let you precious jewels read



"He fucked you up"

I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes when my vision went red, he's really doesn't give two fucks, did he just drag me back here to finish me off?

I felt fingers gripping my chin, my eyes flew open to see his face so close to mine he was bent at the waist sightly, his nose brushes against my own he's so close i can actually see blue specks in his gray eyes

After he got my unwanted attention he slid his hands toward the back of my neck then up my hair, he tugs at the dead ends and glares at the length of it, he looks down towards my waist where my hair use to be 

"Don't touch me" I hissed as I slapped his hands away he stood back up and looked down at me with narrowed eyes

We stood there having a stare off

"Come. Let's have a chat" he said walking away, I huffed and crossed my arms, screw him. I'm not going anywhere with the man

I walked over to Faith and saw Ruby wasn't there, i really need to put a damn chain around her wrist if she wanna run away like a damn dog

"Ruby!?" I shouted, I swing around and saw the little girl running and squealing as she threw herself at Jason

"RAJ!" She squeals jumping up and down in front of him with her arms around his waist. I watched the little brat shove her face into his stomach and Pat his back a couple of times

I'm going to disown her I thought

"Ruby come here, now" I said sticking my hand out towards here. She looked back at me then up at Jason


Before she can finish what she can say Jason picked her up and started to walk away with her

"Give me my child!" I yelled running after him and beating on his back, Faith also ran up to Jason and began pulling on his arm

"Give me my sister!"

He was getting beat on as he walked calmly to his house, he dropped Ruby on the couch and turned towards us

A ring sounded out, my hand stung as his tan cheek turned a pretty red color

"That'll be the last time you ever lay a hand on my face" he scowled rubbing at his cheek

I shot laser at him with my eyes as he stalked over to the kitchen and called someone over

"Nico, Take the girls while I talk with Grace and Deacon"

The man with tattoos all over him appears from the kitchen, ah it's him

He glared at me as he walked into the living room and command the girls upstairs

"Yeah over my dead body" I snapped

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