Chapter 47

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"Oh so you're trying to be father of the year." Klaus says from the distance.
"How pathetic." He says while laughing. Then groans because of the blade that I imbedded in his chest.
"You're calling me pathetic. Niklaus you chose to do this for your daughter even if it meant staying away from her. And be grateful that we only have to be like this for nearly a year. We're just waiting on Stefanie to give birth." I say.
"Oh yes Stefanie the hybrid witch you knocked up. Did you have to get her pregnant during this period. Because if it wasn't for your choice to sleep with her I could still see my daughter." Klaus says.

"You didn't even want Hope in the first place, you wanted her dead!" I yell.
"Well I thought it would be best for us." He says.
"No, you thought it would the best for you! And now look at you, you chose to make this sacrifice for your little girl. But what about me brother. I wasn't part of my kids life for 2 decades!" I say.
"Don't bring the you chose to sacrifice part in this. Just take the bloody blade out of my chest and I'll leave you." He says.

Stephanie's P.O.V

I left the kids at home while I made it to my mums house to find out the sex of the baby. I can't really go to a normal doctor since I'm carrying a supernatural baby. I get onto the car and drive to my mums house.
"Stefanie." Mum says.
"Hi mum." I say.
"Where are my grandchildren." Mum says.
"At home." I say and she nods to show that she understands. It's good to see my mum and it also feels weird because at my age my mum is supposed to be dead.

When I come into my living room I sit down on the couch and stare at the plain white ceiling. I decide to get more comfortable and change my position into laying down.
"The baby is fine. It has a strong heartbeat and he is perfectly healthy." Mum says.
"He?" I question.
"Yes he, you're having boy." Mum says. Wow another boy after the twins, I can't wait to tell Elijah. I stand up to grab my coat and I could see something was wrong. Mum saw something and then she was crying blood. Something is wrong.

"Mum....mum....mum. What's wrong?" I say.
"You're precious children could bring death to our family." She says.
"What do you mean bring death." I say.
"When this child is born it will create the 8 storms of darkness. 1 storm will cause flooding. 2 will cause a tsunami. 3 will cause volcanic eruptions. 4 will cause tornados. 5 will cause earthquake. 6 will cause volcanic tsunami. 7 will cause hurricane and 8 will cause fire." She explains.
"Why would that happen?" I say.
"Your children are too powerful that they could bring death to the witches." She says.

"Mum stop being delusional." I say.
She mutters a few words and I'm laying unconscious.

Elijah P.O.V

I had to take the blade out of him. He disappeared and I will never see him until after the day Stefanie gives birth.
Speaking of Stefanie why she talking so long. She went to find out the babies gender and she hasn't came back yet. Maybe she's shopping. No if she was shopping she would've came home an hour ago. She is powerful and can't be defeated so what happened. What could've happened to Stefanie? She wouldn't just run away from her family like that.

"Dad, where's mum." Nicole says.
"I don't know she was supposed to be hours ago. I don't know what had happened to her." I say.
"Let me try a spell." Nicole says while staring at the wall. All of a sudden she gasped and gets blown back. Something is wrong. "Nicole! What happened?" I say. She stares at the ceiling. "Nicole!" I say shaking her head.
"Mum.... it's like she's gone because.." she begins.
"Because what Nicole." I say.
"Someone's blocking me to get to her." She says. I knew something must've happened. What had happened? Is the real question.

The door slammed open, an unexpected visit had been waiting upon us.

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