Chapter 18

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So I've seen the rest of the kids. I haven't seen the two sons yet. So I have 7 kids in total. (I didn't want him to have 8 kids because it would be too much so I removed Joseph Mikaelson). I don't know the names of these sons and I'm a bit nervous because when you have sons it's a different bond compared to the daughters.

I wasn't there to give them manly advice and they would probably have an urge to punch me or hit me and probably say words that can hurt someone people. I don't want to be like my father and I'm not my father! I don't why people always said I look like him or that I'm a splitting image of him. It makes me so angry when people say that.

My blood boils and my veins begin to scream and I can feel my body beginning to go cold. I can sense that the end of my life is near. "Hayley!" I scream. I turn around and all I see is Hope. "They're all backstage." She says. We quickly make our way there and I see Kol is healed so as Freya and so as Rebekah. "Elijah thank god you're okay." Rebekah says.
"I felt like I was going to..."
"Die?" Rebekah says. "It was part of you getting healed Carys and Nicole gave you they're blood but you were unconscious." She continues.
"They healed me." I whisper. "Do they know?" I ask.
"I don't know because I did yell 'He's your dad' because otherwise they wouldn't come to our row." She continues.

"It's so good to be back. To be free from a death sentence." Freya continues. We all hug each other at this point. "Where's Hayley?" I ask. They all shook their heads as if they didn't know. "I think she  is in that room." Freya says pointing to the bathroom. I quickly go in there to thank her for making us better again and when I go in there it's something that I never imagined to see.....

Hayley is sleeping with Klaus! Klaus? Where did he come from? How is he here? I come back to our seat which was backstage and sit there for a bit. "I'm so glad my daddy came before the father and daughter dance." Hope says twirling in a new dress.  "Rebekah when did Klaus come." I ask.
"Marcel brought him here to see a this show and he couldn't leave Klaus to his vampire army because Klaus can slaughter all of them. When we came to the row Ariana was singing on. We saw him." Rebekah says.

"How long was this." I ask.
"Elijah you were unconscious for 4 hours." She says.
"4 hours?" I say.
"Elijah you were tensing and screaming so Kol had to snap your neck."she

"Klaus and Hayley are procreating." I say. This makes me break down. Before Rebekah could do anything she has to go to stop Kol from killing anyone. I wander around backstage and no one is here. I guess all the celebrities are in the arena. I wander around and then I hear something. Someone. A voice. A familiar voice. This voice rings a bell. I can't put it together. But this voice is very familiar.


It's not too late (Elijah Mikaelson Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora