Chapter 42

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Rebekah's P.O.V

Family separations. Our vow always and forever seems to be extinct. This vow lasted 100s of years and now its all for nothing. At least I get to see Freya but it's different without my brothers. I know that I used to quarrels with Klaus and now I miss those quarrels but I don't miss that dagger. He's probably gone to his usual self killing all the time. I'm happy for Elijah and Kol they finally got their happy ending. It's so good for them to be happy. Kol finally hasn't been in a box with a dagger in his chest.

Kol finally got his happy ending with Davina and Elijah got his with Stefanie and my beautiful nieces and nephews. You know what they say every ending is a new beginning. Our new beginning is going to happen when Stefanie gives birth. We will deal with the Hollow. Klaus can be with his daughter and unborn child. Most importantly we all will be happy. Everyone has found their true love apart from Hope, unborn child of Klaus, unborn child of Elijah and Carys. They all will find they're love. We will finally be the people our parents wanted us to be except with vampirism.

As for me I got my happy ending with Marcel after all these years we are finally together, without Klaus interfering us. Without Klaus going mad and without me getting daggered. This was the first time I have been happy. Happiness isn't particularly what you would find in a Mikaelson family all we do is kill, feed and kill. That's what makes us feared and now you realise that being feared isn't what you want to life. In life you want to be loved. Love is what we need in life and being loved is a great feeling.

From a savage vampire to a loved up being it's now my turn to be happy. This is my time to be loved by someone else apart from my family of course. I will miss them but maybe this break is what we need to find ourselves in this big world. After this break, God knows what enemies will come for us next. But for now what we need is love and peace. We have had too much to distractions and it feels good to wake up in the morning and not be cautious of who's watching you.

I finally realised how lucky humans are but how ungrateful they can be. They are lucky to continue their generation by having kids. What vampires need to understand is that you need to find love in the world and peace. They should probably stay way from Mikaelson business and drama. If original vampires can find their happiness so can the rest of the vampires, hybrid, witches and wolves. All we need is for us to be ourselves and not hide our true selves. God knows how Klaus is doing. All I know is it's not good. I'm here laying down with the love of my life next to me.

Elijah's P.O.V

Centuries back I wouldn't think this would happen to me. 7 kids with my genetics and an 8th on the way. Our family always had a thing where we couldn't find love. Love was what made us seem weak in Klaus' eyes. From my perspective love is was strength. Strength can flow through family. As I once told Klaus family is power. Even though we can't see each other for sometime I want for all my siblings to be happy to find love and keep it .

"Dad this is so not fair, Carys can drive your car and I can't." Nicole says.
"Nicole you crashed my car 2 days ago when you went shopping." I said.
"But we've been through this it was an accident." Nicole says.
"And you got grounded for it also." I say.
"You also took my phone." She says.
"Fine. You can't take your phone back." I say.
"Yes dad you're the best." She says.
"But you can give me your Anastasia palette, concealer and high lighter. Basically your make up bag." I say.
"What?!" She says.
"You heard me young lady." I say.

Make up these days is what all girls wear maybe this is a good way to ground here.
"Come on dad you've got to be kidding me." She says.
"I'm dead serious." I say.
"I don't even know what to say right now." She says.
"I might behind in the times but I believe the turn you're searching for is omg." I say.
"Dad can't we negotiate a way to ground me apart from my make up bag." She says.
"I already told you that natural beauty is what really matters." I say.
"Natural beauty is what makes your boyfriend run away." She says.

Oh I forgot. Boys. I don't want my daughters to date but it will happen anyways.
"Dad look at my face there's pimples everywhere. It's a disaster." She says.
"Nicole, if Emmanuel likes you for you in the inside than what about the outside." I say. At that moment Emmanuel walks in, "Hey Nicole I'm thinking that we go out to..." he begins than he looks up to Nicole's fave.
"Woah." He says.
"You see my point dad." She says. At that moment I give Emmanuel the death glare.
"I mean woah in a good way you look beautiful." Emmanuel says.

Nicole stops and looks at him. "My dad gave you the death glare didn't he?" She says. Emmanuel couldn't respond because i gave him another one.
"No of course not. I just think you look beautiful with or without make up." Emmanuel says.
"Dad is it ok if I can have a boyfriend?" Carys asks.
"No of course not." I say.
"But Nicole has one and i might be the younger twin but I'm not just the youngest." She says.
"You can have boyfriends but not to much of them and also if you lose your virginity before 1000 than that will be the worst mistake you've ever made." I say. Nicole begins to walk upstairs thinking I forgot about her punishment.
"Nicole! Are you going to get your make up bag. Don't forget about your punishment." I say. She groans.

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