RS #1: (Your Name) The Smasher!!

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the story idea!!

Author's Note:  The First Random story is more of a What If Scenario? What if the fourth Smash Bros has a adventure mode like Brawl's Subspace Emissary? This short story might be short due to lack of ideas and possible writer's block. Will be a gender neutral short story. Thank you and enjoy!! Italics: Thoughts Bold: Information

Prologue: The worst has happened. Tabuu has returned but more dangerous than ever when he fused the Master Core to become Master Tabuu!! Master hand and Crazy hand tried to defeat the evil entity but were captured, the Smashers also tried to defeat Master Tabuu but failed. As Master Tabuu was about to absorb the Smashers Powers/abilities It was stopped by the Hand's powers as the Smasher's powers were scattered throughout the Smash World!! But there was a small glimmer of hope for one lone Mii named (Your Name) is the one destined to defeat 'Master Tabuu' and save the Smash World!!

~Third Person Point of View~ 

(Your Name) was sleeping soundly in Their home dreaming a nice dream when They saw Master Hand all tied up in golden chains? "(Your Name)!!" The hand of creation pleaded. "Master Hand?" (Your Name) said as they tried to save him but couldn't. "(Your Name) please save us!! Tabuu has returned and absorbed the Master Core!! My brother and the Smashers are also captured!!" Master Hand spoke as he struggled to break free. "But how can I save everyone?" They asked in worry. "Use the Mii fighting styles program that I created for you it should help you." Master Hand explained. "They're the Brawler, Swordfighter, and Gunner fighting styles which are good for close, medium, and long range fighting." He finished. (Your Name) remembered the belt which has the program installed and nodded. "Oh I almost forgot you must find the Smasher's powers during your journey or else 'Master Tabuu' might take them." Master Hand noted. "I will Master Hand I promise to save everyone and the Smash world from 'Master Tabuu'!!" (Your Name) vowed as the dream like vision faded as they woke up.

~(Your Name) Point of View~

The bright sunlight woke me up and I immediately start getting dressed and prepared for my long adventure. I grabbed a bag, packed as much needed items and supplies in my inventory as well as clipping the special belt on my waist. " Okay food, ray gun, beam sword, a maxim tomato, super scope, two motion sensor bombs, a heart container, a back shield, a hammer, and as a last resort a Starman." I listed as I locked up my house and chose the sword fighter class, wielding my sword I began heading for the first area of the Smash world. 

Author's Note: Done!! Sorry if it's short and junk!! ;-; Anyway if you like this ideas and want to make a story of it just ask for my permission and don't forget to credit me!! If you want a part 2 of this story just comment below!! Please Follow, Favorite, Vote, Comment, and Review!! Thank you and see you next time!!

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