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Okay...So i asked before if you wanted a book two...No replies.

But i am an eager bitch, and i want a book two. It probably will take a decade like it did with this, but we'll get there.

So for book two, i am thinking some twists and going off book, well off manga, off anime. You get it. I already know what the big picture is, the big PLOT TWIST is, but i want to make a part where i talk about my ideas for the next book. I am going to take a short break until i go back to school where i can fully realise my ideas and hopefully improve my writing style, also discuss my ideas with the co-author.

Yes this is co-written.  More like, co-thought process. If you don't know who it is, it is my friend AkiKaen. So yes, i will take a short leave and create my new book, new title,  and a new cover for the first few weeks of September. During that time, i might re-write some chapters, but mostly i want to stay focused on my ideas for this book, and hopefully will be more improved, more elevated and overall better than the first.

If you have any ideas for a new book name please comment or message me.

Until September

-Author Chan


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