Chapter 8

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(Next day)

Today was the day. I was going outside. Yes i know, people will be asking how long has it been? Two years. Two fucking years. Two years of isolation. Two years of loneliness. Two years of torture. Two years of regret.

I grabbed my phone. 

Shoved it in my pocket of my jacket. 

Walking downstairs i reached for my bag.

How am i doing this? I am going to join the SPK. I am going to see L.

 I. Am.Going.To.See.L...IN PERSON!

Last time i nearly died, he looked so ill. i'm feeling ill just thinking about the whole situation. [Y/n], breathe. In and out. In and out. In and out. Okay...I'm okay...right? Dammit. I am not okay. I am going to see my best friend, who currently things i'm dead in disguise. This is messed up. I am messed up. We are ,messed up. How the fuck did i think this was going to work? It won't. He is going to find out and hate me forever. I mean, who would blame him. two years. Two fucking years. 

I put my shoes on.

Grabbed the handle.

This is it. Once i step outside there is no going back. did i not think of this?...i have not gone outside in two years. How much has changed? Have i changed? That's a stupid question. Of course i have. Will the outside world remember me. Wait...I spent my childhood in an orphanage which is blocked off from the world and only few know about. Of course it doesn't fucking remember me. I am just talking about outsides. It's not a big deal. I have done it before. But i was not alone. I'm always alone. I never want to be alone...Not again...Nobody can leave me again. Not like they did...Everybody always leaves me. Always.

I took a step outside the door, turned around locked it carefully. Clambered the stairs reaching the road. My escape to my loneliness, or my way to the un-inevitable discovery of my 'death'.

Once my foot hit the road, memories came flooding back. Of them. 

(Flashback)  (WARNING!!!Violent scenes later)

I walked home, skipping along to the front door to my home. Weird. It's never un-locked. Suspicious. I stepped inside, being wary of my surroundings, i kept my breathing low, almost undetectable,as well as my footsteps. Undetectable. I walked up the staircase, which spiraled up and up.  Our house was an old one. Big. It was my home and i loved it. Nothing could change that. Till....


"What do you mean that little bitch is home. Did you hear the door open? NO? Then that brat isn't fucking home."

Bitch? Are they referring to me?

"That whore has been nothing but useless. She does nothing. She is home because i saw her walk up the fucking hill. Okay? So she is here, so keep your voice down will you."

I gulped. They are defiantly talking about me. The door creaked open, but i was too late. Our eyes locked. My [E/e] locked with her green ones, the color of envy. It matched her perfectly. My mother. 

"Spying on us are you. A good little girl doesn't do that." A sinister chuckle escaped her lips, turning into a wicked smile. Behind her my father had the same wicked smile, with a look of hatred, pain, greed, envy in their eyes. Turning to run and cold hand grabbed at my wrist and the other wrapped itself around my neck, cutting of the circulation.

"Who has been a bad girl? That's right. You. And you will get punished, for being a bad little girl. Honey, do you trust me?"

I stared at her. Fear filled my eyes. Once she saw the emotions in my eyes, she laughed. A psychotic laugh. Another one submerged from my father too. He wrapped his arms around my mothers waist, and said to my mother, "[M/n], how will we punish her, deary?"

I struggled out of my mothers grip, for her to grab me back harder, shove me inter a corner. She left to go get something i did not know of. Leaving my father to keep watch. I attempted to leave. He grabbed my hair, pulling me to his face, and whispered in my ear " Do you not want to be punished...Honey?" He quickly pinned me to the floor only for him to throw punches at my already abused stomach.  My mother came back, only to find her with a gub in her right hand and a knife in her left. I gulped. Once my father was distracted, i jumped up trying to find an escape. I ran to the large window, only to find my neighbor, Angela River-wood watering her roses. I got her attention by banging on the window, smashing it to smithereens. She looked up at me, gasped covering her mouth with shock. For her then to run inside. There goes my last hope. I'm dead. I felt my hair get yanked and what i thought was going to the floor was actually a sharp point of a blade impaling me, from the center of my back. I fell onto the floor, once the knife was pulled out excruciatingly slow, adding more pain, more torture. Slowly lowering my hope of me staying alive. I screamed a scream, that was covered in pain. Every inch was filled with pain, misery, hopelessness, usefulness, disappointment and sadness. 

My eyelids were begging to grow heavy. How much i wanted to rest them. I kept them open using all of my remaining strength. Only to find an unfamiliar face peering down at me. his mouth opened and closed, like he was speaking but all his words fell upon silent ears. All i could hear was a violent screeching vibrating noise drilling through my ears. I was pulled up, by an old man. With a thick mustache placed upon his lip, with glasses illuminating his grey eyes. His white hair was slicked back. I looked up at him, and his was the first voice i could hear.

"Hello, i am Watari. What is your name, miss?"

My voice came of  hoarse,


"Well miss [Y/n], i would like to take you away to a safer place, where you will be happy. Whammy's. It's an orphanage for exceptional children."

I nodded at the man named Watari.

We walked off to my new life, awaiting me as [Y/a].

(End of flashback)

I didn't even realize i had come to the cafe. I opened the door, bought an ice tea and walked through the back door, to find Watari waiting for me.

"Watari, i have been thinking. I want to be more involved in this case, by doing this i have to join the Japanese Task Force, with or without your help"

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