Chapter 9

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"Watari, i have been thinking. I want to be more involved in this case, by doing this i have to join the Japanese Task Force with or without your help"


Before i start...Yes...The disguise is a fucking Kaneki mask. Your welcome Tokyo Ghoul fans. So the idea, is bad-ass Kaneki mask, dramatic ass wig, and awesome anime merchandise for outfit. I'm pretty sure most of you would love that, even not for disguise. Just everyday. Anyway back to the story.

If you don't like how the disguise, change it, but i imagined it like this. Mostly because i love Kaneki. So yeah, plus the hair, you can have any but i decided i went with a Kaneki mask, might as well have fabulous Kaneki hair, so you reader-Chan, will look like a bad-ass bitch. Your welcome. 

-Author-Chan (Jess)


"I'm going to do this" I spoke, "I am going to get more involved. I need to prove myself. I need to prove [Y/a], can do this"

Watari nodded his head slowly. I closed my eyes expecting the words of disappointment. I kept them closed until i found two hands on my shoulders. I opened them in a flash. And heard Watari say,

"I know a person that can help"

I was filled with an unknown emotion to me. Happiness. My eyes brimmed with tears of gratitude, as i hugged the old friends i have recoiled with known as Watari. I smiled, after what has been a long time. We walked out, side by side ready for the SPK.

"Wait, i need a disguise." I frowned. "Will that person help?"

"That is what i intended to happen. This man will help you. Besides he owes me a favor."

We walked out to my apartment, this man was told to meet me at my house in 10 minutes.

(Time skip, cause i'm lazy AF. And can't be bothered describing you walking home)

When me and Watari reached my house, we walked up the stairs, and i put the lock in the door. Turned it the wrong way to make sure nobody was inside. But i noticed a weird stare from Watari. Shrugging, i un-locked the door. We both stepped in to see, my creative mess. Papers pilled everywhere. Plates pilling on my desk, the floor. Wow. i didn't realize i left it like this. I decided to attempt to clean, putting the papers in the correct location, my desk. And Watari cleaned up my plates where my cake laid, before i ate it. Watari called to me through the walls from the kitchen.

"[Y/n], you really are like L."

"What's that meant to mean, old man?"

He chuckled.

"Old man? Haven't been called that ever since you left. And you eat way too much cake for it to be healthy, and when you walk into a different room, the old one is most definitely a mess."

I huffed. He was right. I couldn't lie. Before i could respond i heard a hard knock being tapped at my door."

I walked over to the door, opened the door only to find a man at my door. He was tall. Towering over me tall. He had eyes that pooled with blood, and tattoos all along his bare skin, and a half shaven head of hair.

Who is this man at my door? This is slightly creepy. Oh. He must be Watari's friend. Wait. Watari has friends like this. I really must have been gone a long time.
The strange man only spoke,
"Boo" he said in a low voice, " I am Uta."

Watari then came along from the kitchen, which I supposed he was cleaning up in. He whispered the first part when he spoke to me, and when he spoke to Uta he said it normally.Strange.
"[Y/n], this is the friend I was speaking of moments ago. Uta this is [Y/a]."

At that very moment, Uta nodded. And walked into my house, right past me. And told me to sit down for measurements.
I did so but he was so strange, I wondered what he would do if I refused. But then again, what would I gain from not doing so. If I did I would join a spot in the SPK, and if I refused I would stay being distant from the case.

I walked over to the chair which had been moved from my dining table to the center of the room.
He walked up behind me, and started measuring my head. ( I don't know how to explain this. It's just what he does to Kaneki when he gets his mask. If your reading this I hope you have seen Tokyo Ghoul) He then starts asking strange questions that really have no need to be asked, as they have no relation to the current situation. But I went along with it anyways. He then went of sketching his ideas of a mask, while staring intensely at me, when his eyes are not glued to the paper.

Me and Watari both leave him alone to finish the sketch. We both head out to get a fake ID. It was pretty simple. Watari knows a guy. His identity was not revealed, he spoke lowly and covered his face. And once he had all the fake information for the ID, he said it would take 2 hours for it be finished and be delivered to my house.

We both headed back, to find Uta crouched on the sofa, with the finished product of the mask.

It was a half mask, showing my right eye, and a gap below my lip, and besides my left eye. The left over space was plain black leather, with black straps covering the small areas that were not covered. But the mouth was the interesting part. It had red gums, showing revealed teeth with a zipper closing them together. It was perfect. I only expected the drawing to be done. But he pulled the mask out of his bag. I was bewildered. How? You know what, I'm not going to ask. This is a strange guy. I'm sure he has ways. He hands it to me gently and I exit the room, silently. Watari thanked Uta for me, as he knows I barely ever say thank you, apologize, and especially to someone I just met.

I looked in the mirror, fiddling with my [H/c] hair. I looked at the mirror, with Watari stood behind me, with a questioning look pulled across his face.

I looked back at my hair, this could destroy everything. I had to get everything perfect. This could show my true self. My hair had not changed since I left, only because I finally grew happy with it. So I looked back at Watari, I think he understood now as he nodded and said in a low, knowingly voice. He held out some [F/c] hair dye and said,
" I was thinking the exact same thing."

I smiled grabbed the dye, showed Watari out of the room and opened the dye and let the new me free.

(I'm not going to explain the dying process of hair, because:
1) You probably already know.
2) It's a waste, so let's just...nah.)

This is a new me, a new [Y/n], a new [Y/a], and with L we will solve this case. We will catch Kira. We will catch Light Yagami. And that's a promise.

Just Another Freak Like You [L X Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя