Chapter 10

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(*) Author-Chan thoughts

(Italics) memories

I walked up firmly to the lock mechanisms on the door, waited for it to scan my eyes, i placed my head on the rest for it to confirm my identity. My fake one anyways. All it said was in the computer like generated voice, 


I placed my finger on the scanner, as it confirmed the identity of [Y/a] the doors opened revealing the Japanese Task Force Headquarters.

I walked up the the doors smoothly and smashed them open only to find all the Task members heads turned towards me with a shocked expression, all except L, emotionless as ever.

I walked up the the table with L crouching on a chair, his back turned facing me. I would be surprised if he even noticed i was here.


He turned his head very slowly, and when he saw my mask, he tilted his head in the adorable questioning way he often does. 

"Ryuzaki" He huskily spoke, "Call me Ryuzaki. Welcome to the team." 

Matsuda being the dumb-ass he is, asked who i was.

I turned around giving him a cold stare.

"Greetings, I am [Y/a]."

He shook his head in dis-belief.

"No way your [Y/a]. The [Y/a] i know would not be here in person. They never actually get involved with a case solving it in person."

I thought for a second. How dumb could this child be? I gave him an uncomfortable expression and began speaking in a smoky voice,

"Who was the recent murder in my last case. Hm? That's right. Taylor Trancy, before this case i gathered the appropriate evidence to convict him. Once he was arrested, i begun this case. I find this one very ...HM?...Interesting. What do you think, love?"

(By the way, you are British in this. So you say love, okay?)

I giggled at his reaction, he began to get flustered and blushed an awful lot.

"Believe me now...Matsuda, you need to learn when to keep your mouth shut, otherwise people won't think your a benefit to this case by what your stupidly saying."

I turned back round to L, to find his deeply staring into my eyes, with again, a blank expression placed on his face.

"So...Ryuzaki...Where is Yagami, Light currently?"

He looked at me almost in a daze, soon snapped out of it and said again in his same monotone voice,

"Oh, you don't need to worry. I am testing a rule on the Death Note, plus as we both suspect him of being Kira, this could lead us closer to bring us closer to the justice Lira deserves."

I nodded and took a seat, sitting on it crossed legged. He looked at me curiously with his dark eyes, and peered back at Light. 

(Time skip...brought to you by Ryuk's obsession with apples)

It was now 5am, any ordinary person would be well past asleep, but as me and L are both insomniacs (If your not, just pretend for this moment in time)He finally spoke and said,

"You know you can go to sleep. There's a room, Watari has set out for you as you will now be living here."

"I know, he told me. It's just that, we could finish the case more efficiently if i didn't waste time, attempting to sleep. As i am an insomniac, it would just be a waste of time. And by looking at your face, i'm guessing that you are too."

Just Another Freak Like You [L X Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora