Chapter 24

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"What do you mean by fun?" I asked, trembling, as his arm locked around my curves.

"Well you see...L is a monster."

"He is? He didn't seem like one."

He laughed. "He's got you blinded. Everything is a game to him, a psychopath, really i am your only real friend."

"But you kidnapped me, brought me here unconsentedly and you have no proof to back up your allegations."

He huffed. "I guess you haven't lost your smarts, ay princess."

I struggled out of his arms, he then grabbed my wrist, which pulled me towards him, his front against my back. He placed his forearm, to prevent me from escaping again, to which i latched my mouth on his skin, and allowed my pearl like teeth to sink into his pale, smooth skin. As he reacted, hissing in pain. Which when he did, was when i leapt out of his arms,fleeing to the nearest exit, the door on the far left. When my hand pushed on the handle it wouldn't budge. So i went to the next door, which did open, and had a flight of stairs leading down.

I guess we were upstairs?

As i was running, i could hear his gravelly voice railing behind, not too near, but not far enough for comfort, so i kept going. As i was reaching the near end of the stairs , a nail was pocking out and which caused me to fall through the air, which i landed, one of my shins being placed on the hard wooden planks of the floor, and one bent horizontally, crouched over. I then saw the door, it was open slightly. Cracked open. I ran and ran. But the father i went, the closer he seemed to get. As i reached on the door handle, it swung open to reveal....


[Flashback in L's POV]

As soon as she got here she went for her room. I guess this is too much. I just want the old her to be here. In my arms, as i had lost her for so many years.

Time had passed by myself and Light working on the Investigation, with no help from [Y/n] as obvious reasons prevented it. When i saw the clock had passed 3:00 am, i sent a tired Kira...I mean Light away for his rest. I clamboured on the stairs, but not towards my room. No. To [Y/n]'s. As i walked down the dimly lit hallway, i turned to see the dor cracked open, and there...







What has happened to her? Is she okay? She just probably went to the bathroom. But her room wouldn't be like this...She's a mess. Both [alias] and [Y/n] was. Where is she? As i ran out of the room, i rushed to the investigation room, to see if she was anywhere. No. The kitchen. No. Mis-No. I then turned to my laptop, to see an unopened email.

There was a live stream of a unconscious [Y/n].



As i watched this horror, being unraveled between my eyes, Watari walked in and spoek words that made my teeth grit.

"I wondered how long it would take for you to notice she was gone."

"How long?"

"Aproximatly 5 hours.


We stood there in silence, as i watched. Clues. There has to be a clue.

Just as soon as i thought that. Two feet hit the end of her bed, snickered, and walked towards the security cameras, showing his smug face.

It looked

But his eyes were something different.


He brought his red stained hands towards the camera to wave, a slow sadistic wave, with a psychotic smile smeared across his face. As i looked at his fingers, as i saw blood. I first assumed it was blood. [Y/n]'s blood. And that made me...That made my blood boil. My hands turned to fists, and they uncurled once i realized there was a stickiness to them. It wasn't blood at all. jam. Strawberry jam. Who...

That was when realization struck me. I shut my laptop closed, and ran out of the door. Watari followed, obviously realizing the same thing as me.

She is in danger.

Beyond Birthday has escaped.

As soon as we step foot in the car, with me in the passenger seat, and Watari driving, while calling someone. I wonder who?

As soon as we got to the scene, BB last known location.

We saw the abandoned building and it's door fly open.


She was there, unharmed, physically.

Although there were tears flying down her cheeks. As she took a step out of the door, she ran...faster than lightning. Her eyes lit up with realization. She ran toward me, grabbed my arm, swung around me and hid behind my with one arm securely wrapped around my front.

Oh, what you do to He agve me me, [Y/n].

As soon as that happened, BB opened the door. Walked out. with his two fingers coated in jam, he walked over to me, smiling crazily. Held out those two fingers, wiped the jam on my face.

"She is..." insanely sighs and laughs."... so lucky she doesn't remember me, L. Unluckily you do." He pulled a knife out of his back pocket, brought it towards my neck. I brought my hand over to his grabbed the handle, turned back to [Y/n],

"Go to Watari." She nodded, and left.

I pried the knife from his hands, and slot it into her hands before she left.

"Just in case." I whispered.

BB and i began to fight. I needed to get him contained, but it was only i and him. He gave me a hit, and i gave him a hit. It was a sequence of him and i, punch, kick. Until he gave me a kick in the temple, causing the darkness to surround my vision, as i fell to my knees, i saw her.

[Y/n] with the knife hidden in the top of her pants.

As soon as i was about to close my eyes, all i could hear was the sound of knees hitting the ground, as i saw her fist fly up at his face with such power and speed to kill a man.

She always was skilled as a child...but this was different?

Then the darkness enclosed me and i closed my eyes.

Btw if this wasn't already clear, BB is Taylor trancy from the early chapters.

Continued next chapter...

-Author-Chan out. ;)

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