Chapter 22

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As my tired eyes opened, they quickly shut due to the harsh lights.

"[Y/n]?" An alert voice called out.

As I looked to my left, I saw a handsome young man, a few years younger than I, in a white shirt tucked into brown pants, with a worried get relieved expression worn on his facial features.

"Hello? Who are you?" I asked curiously.

As I those words hit his ears, his face dropped. The only words that escaped his mouth were 'No' for approximately 13 seconds, until his frown turned transformed into a sinister smirk.

" I'm Light Yagami. Your name is [F/n] [L/n], correct? "

The room had a tense atmosphere around it. The slamming door seemed to startle both of us, as our heads both shot into the direction of a tall handsome man. Messy black hair perched on top of his scalp and bags to match his hair.

He rushed over to the bed; which made myself move further down the bed away from him, which he noticed, as a frown was present on his face.

"[Y/n]?" The voice spoke gently, " Watari told me you where awake, how are you?" He leant over the bed in attempt of a hug, but i doged it - leaping out of the bed, and hiding behind Light, whom was still in his chair. As I did so, the mysterious looking man had a facial expressions only one could describe as 'horrified'.

"L, she has amnesia." He said flatly.

As (this so called) L heard that he stumbled backwards, his right hip hitting the hospital bed, falling face first towards the floor.

"His name is L?" I asked Light for confirmation.

I walked over to his fallen body, slowly.


He looked up to me, eyes locking, with hope swimming in his coal like orbs.

Although 'Hope breeds eternal misery.'

"The man over there, Light, said your name is L, Are you okay?" I explained, holding my fragile hand out towards his body.

He looked up at my hand: grabbed it, pulling himself to his feet, only for him to drop down onto his knees, bringing me with him, sobbing on my shoulder.

Poor soul- I wonder what I meant to him.

Three short figures emerged from the door, one with fiery hair, a reddish-brown, a blonde one, and the smallest who had white hair.
Each had an object in their right hand, a DS, a chocolate bar, and a white puzzle piece.

As they saw the scene, their confusion grew.

"[Y/n], I know you most likely don't know me, but you are like my sister. I hope you remember us soon." He smallest one spoke, muttering his soft spoken words into my arm, as he latched himself onto it.

I should have had an urge to.push him off. As he is a stranger, but no. I wanted to cradle the boy in my arms. We locked eyes, his grey eyes, began to tear up.

As voice informed me that I will be returning home.

Where is home?

As the grown man' s head was still leant on my shoulder, I asked him where I would be staying and he whiped his tears, discreetly, and spoke monotonously,

"You will be living with me."

(Time skip)

As I walked through the door i was told where my room was so I headed through this large room, with a monitor the size of the wall, multiple desks with computers on, and plenty of plates piling up on the largest desk, nearest to the monitor.

As I walked past said desks, one of the papers spoke about a so Called 'Kira', that should come handy later.

Kira? Hm? I wonder

            Who or what
  That is?

After that split-second glance, I headed to the stairs which were visable due to the open door. I clamboured upon them, until the 4th step, when I heard a creak; looked down to see a trail of muddy footprints. Wet ones. Like they had just been outside, as it is raining.

They look like Combat boots- Dr. Martins soles to be precise.
Who wears those here?
Again, that will be information for a later date.

After I climbed all 14 steps, I headed into the 2nd door to the right, that I was told to be mine.

As I opened the door, it revealed a bed in the centre. And a wall of a mirror, with a wooden chest of draws next the that wall. Against the opposite wall, laid a sofa, a [favorite/c]one, contrasting the rest of the dark room.

I set my bag against the side of the chest of drawers, and laid in my Bed. This seems normal.

As I thought that, I heard a creak on the wooden floor boards in the corner of the room. As I went to.investigate, a cloth was put over my mouth
Don't breath it in.
...I.breathed it in.
As my eyes where drooping, about to close, a rough voice whispered,

"Guess who?"


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