I Feel Like This Has to Be Said

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Due to receiving a comment on one of my stories, I feel like I must point out that my stories are not for everyone, hence their dark nature / plot.

Most of the people who have followed me for quite some time know this, as they're familiar with my stories, though not everyone knows my Fanfictions are dark and I don't expect them to know.

Though I do highly advice for people to actually that have never read my Fanfictions to read the description of the story before reading it, and not to just read it due to popularity. I want you guys to read my stories and enjoy them, not just read them and dislike it due to it being popular and you feel like you have to read it.

With this mini rant out of the way, let me point out this specific fact about the story in question - Just a Scratch

The person (not stating usernames) said they dislike stories with depression, violence, suicide, etc. at the ending chapter of the story. (please don't go out of your way to see who the user is, I'm only stating this for the future)

In the description, I mentioned that K.O gets severely injured (quoting a line from the description below):

"Being himself, he tries talking to them, but instead of being interested, they get annoyed with him and beat him up to the point where he is severely injured, as well as say harsh things that really get to him."

In the description, I also indirectly, but still did technically mention, suicide

"He then begins to question himself and why people would care about him, and over time, his depression grows worse and worse, to the point where he would do anything to make his sadness go away.

Even if it meant ending his own life."

Anyway, now onto the point I'm trying to make.

If you've never read any of my stories, please read the description before reading whichever story you read if you dislike the type of Fanfictions that I write. Because I really don't want to see comments saying they dislike *insert one or more story theme here* that was in the story, ESPECIALLY if it was directly / indirectly mentioned in the description of the story, because I'm going to tell you it's your fault for reading it even though it had *insert whatever theme complained about here* because it technically is.

Sorry. This is something I just felt like needed to be said.

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