Job Well Done

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Chapter 12

It's date night today and I'm looking forward to giving Marcus the best night of his life. I wake up and Benjamin still hasn't returned from his trip to wherever he went, I forgot. But I know he's with some other girl over there waking up with her and probably a kid or two.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. After the bathroom run I head downstairs and decide to make breakfast, cinnamon toast crunch the breakfast of champions. As I pour the milk and watch it slowly flow into the bowl, waiting till it fills up halfway. Then I pour the cereal on top, watching the 2 components combine to create a duo that's unmatched by others.

As I eat my bowl of cereal I head to the living room and turn on the television. I grab the remote and press 213. As the channel turns to MTVJams a Drake song plays. I sit there listen to the song and eating my cereal. After finishing my cereal I go and look for a book to read. I walk over to my bookcase and begin scouting the books. I see a Mark Manson book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck". I pick the book up and open it to the first page. After reading the first couple pages I give up and put the book down.

I'm bored and don't know what to do. I never liked being bored, it feels like I'm wasting my brain and time doing nothing. I need to do something, what can I do? I decide to write, I like expressing myself so writing could be something I'd enjoy. I go get a pen and paper and begin conjuring up some ideas to write about. What if I make up a story, a story about love. No a story about difficult emotions. That's it, and maybe a person who wants to change his life but don't know how. Sounds good so far.

I spend the next hour writing the first chapter of this short story I came up with and I think it's a good start. It's called "Chasing Change". Now I got something to work on my free time. After writing I decide to call Nizhoni and ask her to come over.

A short 20 minute wait goes by before Nizhoni shows up. She walks in and heads straight to the kitchen.

"I'm sooooo hungry, I didn't eat anything all day." Nizhoni says

"It's 2:32 p.m. Why didn't you eat?" I respond

"I was busy watching a marathon, a marathon of our favorite show. By the way turn to channel 865."

As turn the channel to 865 I hear the intro music to Dexter. "I didn't know there was a marathon of this show?"

"Hell yes, I've been watching this and didn't want to get up and get something to eat."

"Wait so you'll no get up to eat but you'll get up to come to my house? You must love me!" I say with a big smile on my face

"Calm down, calm down. I'm cool with you, don't mistake it for love"

"Come here and give me a hug" I scream as I start walking towards her

"Okay, don't be weird now when Dexter is on" Nizhoni says as she slowly backs up

"Just tryna show you some love." As I get closer and closer I leap on her and pick her up from the waist. I bring her to the living room and drop her on the couch. She begins to laugh almost uncontrollably. I then take a seat next to her as she sits up.

"That's why you're my best friend and I love you" Nizhoni starts off saying "You could be funny and silly and know how to have fun, I wish my husband was like that. He just works, comes home and mopes around. He doesn't even notice me and never wants to have any sort of fun"

"Have you told him all this before?" I ask

"Yes and he doesn't care. He hardly ever notices me nowadays. When we first started dating he always noticed me and we had loads of fun together."

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