Second Thoughts (Marcus)

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It's Saturday now and I'm going on my date with Alize today. I am nervous but I have to go and try new things. I don't know what to expect when we go this club. Should I go buy a new outfit? Maybe I should, I quickly get some clothes together and head out the door.  

    After a short drive to the H&M store, I walk inside and head for the men's section. I see and assortment of clothes, some look good and others look unique. I'm not a big fashion guy but I want to look good to impress Alize. As I browse the racks and stands for about 20 minutes and woman comes over to me and asks me if I need help.

    "Yes, I might need a little help" I reply

    "What do you need help with sir?" the woman

"Okay I'm going to a club today with a lady I'm interested in and I want to impress her. Can you help me find a great cool outfit to buy"

"Yea sure, I can help you"

As she grabs my hand and walks me down the aisle, describing every set of clothes we pass.

"This set of clothes is for small friendly functions. This set of clothes is for when you want to be comfortable and sheik. This set of clothes is when you want to look professional at without looking like a regular business suit guy. This is section is when you want to have loose feeling clothes."

As we approach the section of clothes in the corner, she asks me what's my favorite color.

"My favorite color is dark purple, but I like black and blue a lot."

"Looking at your stature and body shape, we'll be able to find something great for you." she says

She picks up a lot of shirts and pants, I'm assuming she plans on making me try them on. She grabs my hand again and takes me to the dressing room and tells me to try all them on.

After a series of outfit trying on and she telling me what's good and what's not. She came up with four outfit for me to buy.

"Trust me these outfits will have you looking amazing anywhere, all the girls are going to to want to know you and you'll definitely impress your date tonight." she says

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. This store and all men should be glad that you work here." I tell her giving her a little smile.

"Oh, I don't work here" she replies

"What? You don't work here?"

"Nope I just like walking around the clothing stores, and it looked like you needed help and I knew I could help you."

"That's cool, you do have good taste though. Well, I'm going to buy these clothes and I'll see you later."

"Good bye. Before you leave take my number just in case you need any more style tips"

"Okay" I say as I hand her my phone to put her contact in.

She hands me the phone back and I look at it.

"Well Sophia, I'll see you later then" I say as I start walking away.

"Call me anytime okay, I'll always be willing to help"

As I turn my head towards her and nod I keep walking to the register. As i get to the register it's a long line there. As I stand there and wait, I look to my left and see and register just open up. My eyes make contact with the register lady and she waves to me to come over. I walk over there and she checks me out. Lucky me right.

    I take my bags and walk out the store, heading to my car. As i get inside my car I get a though, I need some new sneakers. I drive to the nearest sneaker store, Nike Town. I walk in a look at the sneakers that match my new outfit. I look at the black sneakers, the blue sneakers, and purple sneakers. I decided on a pair of mid top air force one's that are black and purple. The perfect combination for the black and blue outfit I have.

    After a satisfying purchase I head home now. Getting a little excited about my new clothes and tonight, I lay out what I'm going to wear. A black button up shirt with purple trimming and detail, black pants with purple trimming, and black and purple sneakers.

"I can't wait for Alize to see this on me tonight." I say

It's only 2:32 p.m. I got a good amount of time to relax. So I go on google and search up how to have fun at a club. Stupid google search, I know but it is what it is. After skimming through the top searches I see the title "10 Best Ways To Enjoy Clubbing" I instantly click the link and begin reading. Always have to skip the introduction and go straight to the 10 tips. Tip number 1, go with people you're comfortable with. Nope, Alize makes me nervous. Tip number 2, know what you're here for. Yes, I'm on a date. Tip 3, dress in clothes that make you feel good. Yes, this new outfit is great. Tip 4, Talk and try to meet new people to have fun with. Nope, I'm kind of shy about meeting new people. Tip 5, Make sure you're in a clubbing/party mood. Nope, not much of a club/party goer.

After reading the first 5 tips and responding no to three, I decide to stop reading. That's when I start to worry. All this worrying made me hungry so let me get something to eat and try to take my mind off of tonight. I order some Domino's pizza and load up the Xbox. I play some matches of Halo while waiting for my pizza. After an absurd 2 hour wait for my pizza, I slowly open it up. Taking in the nice smell of pizza and the warmth of the box. With my mouth drooling and my eyes as big as the moon, I open the box all the way. To my surprise the pizza doesn't look good. The toppings got stuck on the top of the box, the crust isn't garlic crust, the pizza wasn't even cut up. Domino's disappointed me today. Even though the pizza was a disgrace to the pizza race, I still ate it and it was good. Should've got Pizza Hut. I continue to play Xbox, wasting time until I have to get ready.  

After some time of playing the game I get a call.

"Hey Alize what's up" I answer with

"I'm doing great. Are you ready to have a amazing time tonight?" she replies

"Yea, I can't wait" I say, but in my mind I'm worried.

"Okay, we should take my car instead of both of us driving there. So in an hour and a half, I'll come pick you up."

"Okay, see you soon"

"Alright" she says before she hangs up

I got an hour and a half to get ready. I quickly hop in the shower. After the shower I iron my clothes, trying to get all the wrinkles out. Luckily new clothes don't have many wrinkles, so I was swift with it. I get my whole out fit ready and I still got 45 minutes to spare. I head to the bathroom clean and moisturize my face, making it as smooth looking as can be.

Outfit ready, skin look great, smelling hella clean. I'm ready for tonight, and with 27 minutes to spare. As I am fully ready, I go to the living room and sit there waiting for Alize to call. As I sit there nervousness begins to creep up on my and ambush my mind. I begin to worry and panic. I can't do this. What if I fall and people laugh at me? I don't know how to dance real good. What if people think I'm weird? What if people laugh at my outfit or my sneakers? Oh gosh, I can't do it.

As I sit there worrying and panicking, I hesitate to call Alize and say I can't make it. I should just do it I think as I pick up the phone.

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