It's Over 9000 (Marcus)

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       I wake up and see Alize next to me in bed, with that beautiful hair and flawless skin. She wakes and turns her head towards me. As she smiles, my heart warms up giving me a giddy feeling. I can't help but smile back and touch her. As we begin kissing, I hear a thud downstairs.

       "What was that" Alize asks

       "I don't know but it's killing my mood right now" I respond

       "Go downstairs and check it out real quick" she says

       "Okay, but I'll be back"

        "This body will be waiting for your touch"

          Now I get the sense of urgency, I run out the room and head downstairs. Nothing so far, I head to the kitchen next.

         "Who the hell are you" I say in a stern voice

        "Oh, I'm here to kill you, I just thought I'll get something to eat before I do it" says the hitman

        I run up to the fridge door as soon as I see him take my grapes. I love grapes. I kick the door close making the hit man back up. I proceed to rush him shoving him into the counter. I throw 2 fierce punches to his face, the first lands and he dodges the second.

         As he ducks the second punch he punches me in the gut and rises up for an uppercut. He kicks my shin and attempts to kick my chest.

         I side step the chest kick grabbing his leg, then I use my elbow and with precision break his knee cap. He could barely stand. I back hand his face, then follow up with a striking fist. I kick his kidney and spin to kick his face. He falls to the ground landing near the doorway. I stand over him and roll my sleeves up. I get down to his level and begin to viciously pummel his face with my fists.

        He uses his last bit of strength to kick me off, then he pulls his gun. Before I can even think he pulls the trigger. I hear the loud noise and then...

                  I wake up from this dream on this rainy Saturday and feel awoken. Energy running through my veins, piercing my brains shield, lifting up my spirits with all its strength. I feel like I can conquer the world right now. This has to be the best feeling in the world, or at least top 2 next to sex. But I've felt this before, and what I learned is that this feeling usually doesn't last long. I start to think how I can make this feeling stay longer.

                   Maybe if I drink, so I run to the closest liquor store and buy some whiskey and bourbon. After running those 4 long blocks and back home I'm a little exhausted. I know I'm out of shape, but you are too so shut up. Back to what I was doing, I decide to take a shower because I need one. So I make a drink and head to the bathroom. I hop in the shower with my drink on the sink that's close by. Taking a couple sips every minute or so. Who drinks while taking a shower? I do, you got weird habits that I don't question so chill out.

                    After the shower and a drink or two later I'm feeling electric, the feeling is still here and strong. But I can't drink forever so I need another way to keep this feeling going.

              Maybe if I do something that I enjoy doing. I load up the Xbox and play some Gears of War. I continue to play a couple online games and I'm doing better than ever, I even had a flawless game. While I hear some little kids in my mic screaming and raging, calling me a bitch, a hacker, even called me a thought I was going to write that whole word? After a third game of me destroying some verbally aggressive players, I get bored and decide it's time to retire while I'm on top.

               I turn off the Xbox and think of something else I have to do, maybe if I exercise. I don't really exercise, so I could start today. I YouTube some beginner muscle exercises. Okay time to do this now. I start off with push ups, 3 sets of 10. I did push ups in high school, this finna be a breeze.

               I start off strong and at a consistent pace, first set down. Second set has a strong start, but I slow down at number 9 and 10. I kind of feel a little something in my arms. Okay third set starts at a decent pace, but at 5 it goes down hill. My arms struggle to push up, I do 6 and 7 then I collapse on the floor.

           "You really going to let some pushups keep you down" I say

             I get up and with all the strength in my arms I do the last 3 push ups. I proceed to jump to my feet, my arms hurt a little bit.  Walk to the mirror and start flexing, flexing hard. Great, it's nothing there to flex. So much for working out, onto the next.

            What else can I do today. Maybe I should call Alize, I got her number so I might as well call. Good idea Marcus!

             I go to my bedside table and get the rock and I type the numbers into my phone and hit the call button. Sitting there listening to the ring with great anticipation. What do I say? Is this a good time to call? I glance at the clock and see 9:32 p.m. As the seconds begins to drastically slow down, it seems like time slammed on the brakes at the red light. I don't think this is a good idea no more. Right before I am about to hang up.

          "Hello, Hello, uhm Helloooo" Alize says on the phone

           I clear my throat out of nervousness "Hey it's Marcus"

          "Hey Marcus, I'm glad you actually called" she replies

          "Yea I was at home doing nothing and decided to call"

            After an interesting conversation on the phone I hang up. The call was actually a good idea. I asked her on a date and she said yes, all this excitement sent me into kaioken mode. I'm fully energized and need to release all this energy. I run to my bedroom and grab my speakers. I plug the speakers in the wall socket in my living room, I hook my phone up to the speakers. Now it's go time! My first song, "I Get Money" by 50 Cent. As the music takes an itinerary route through me, I feel sudden panache.  

            I dance and listen to music for hours. I think it's time to turn it off. I disconnect my phone and head upstairs. I enter my bedroom and get into my bed. The cold pillows, cold comforter, and warm sheets cocoon me. The interest of women and excitement in life is what I've been yearning for, now I have a chance to have that. Maybe Alize is the change I need in my life. If she is then I need to pursue her. I need to be chasing change. I don't really know much about her but I know she makes me feel all types of emotions I haven't really felt before.   

          I fall into a tranquil state of mind and fall asleep.

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