Only If (Part 2)

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Miley took a glance a Peter to see he was motionless. Nat and Clint wanted to go to him, but was fought by armored men to keep them away.

Her eyes moved back to Kyle who showed little fear of the girl. "What's wrong? Scared?" Miley shoved out her hand throwing him backwards into a streetlight. He rolled on the ground and quickly recovered to throw the streetlight at her.

Miley stopped it with her mind and grabbed a car, throwing it at him. Kyle ducked and laughed. "Now this is a fight Miley!" He praised.

He boosted towards her, his feet connecting with her stomach sending her flying into a building. Miley recovered to see two terrified children clinging onto each other petrified. Miley looked out the window to see a car floating in the air about to be sent flying at her and the children.

Without hesitation, she jumped grabbing the two kids and they held on tightly, their fingernails digging in to her suit. The car crashed into the building and destroyed everything in its path. The children screamed in terror as Miley stuck out her hand to break down the wall next door. She fell to the floor with the children on top of her.

"Come on Miley!" Kyle's voice echoed as a streetlight came crashing through after the car.

Miley stuck out her hand and stopped it in midair, throwing it backwards hoping it hit Kyle. Relief floated over her to hear a grunt escape his lips.

She climbed out the building with the two children in her arms, she set them down and gestured them to run away as far as possible. They ran and she turned back due to spatial senses to see the same streetlight being shot at her again.

Miley jumped out of the way in time and stuck out her hand to push Kyle into one of his men.

She took the time to look at Peter trying her best to keep herself together seeing him bleeding out on the ground. He wasn't moving a muscle.

Kyle pushed the man away who was shot by an arrow and faced Clint who gave a slight wave to him. Kyle pushed him back into Nat and they both grunted as they collided.

Kyle's eyes met Tony on the ground who was getting up slowly. He picked up a streetlight and used mind control to break off part of it, to make it sharp. He aimed at Tony and quickly threw it.

Miley stopped it and flung it upwards at him and it sent him flying backwards. Tony noticed Miley's actions and nodded at her before his eyes met Peter on the ground.

His mask slid open to reveal him staring at Peter. Miley has never seen him so destroyed. His face of sorrow turned into anger as he yelled in agony. His mask slid back onto his face and he turned to the first armored man he saw, shooting him down. He continued to beat on Sander's men with Nat and Clint.

Miley pushed away her emotion and her focus went back on Kyle who was jumping right at her with his fist raised. Unfortunately, Miley wasn't able to react fast enough so the punch connected with her cheekbone. She fell backwards onto the ground with a gasp.

Kyle reached into his pocket to take out a dagger and jumped into the air while unsheathing it, the point about to go into her neck. Miley held out her arms and used them to hold him back away from her face - blocking him.

"Is this all you got?" Kyle spit out and Miley struggled to keep him back. "You're so weak, you couldn't even protect him!"

"I will kill you for what you've done to me, my parents, and Peter!" Miley's eyes glowed purple as she fully pushed back the dagger and sent him flying into a car.

The alarm began to scream from the car and Kyle rested against the car, unable to move and his power wasn't working. For the first
time, she saw Kyle with nothing but an expression of fear. He eyed Miley and tried to get up, but she kept him down.

Only If // Peter ParkerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora