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"Isn't she precious Gabriel?" A woman with short brown hair that stopped to her ears, turned her head for her hazel eyes to meet the man next to her holding onto her waist, with his head resting on her left shoulder. He eyed the infant being rocked in the woman's arms, his lips formed into a smile with his bright blue eyes that resembled to the color of the ocean looking at every feature of the child.

"She's got your nose Tamalia. Look." He released one hand from her waist gently touching the baby's nose.

"She has your eyes." Tamalia cooed.

"We don't know if she's keeping them, but I sure hope she does." Gabriel moved his finger from its nose to its cheek brushing two fingers against it softly.

The moment ended between the two parents when they heard a knock at their door. Gabriel let go of his wife and headed towards the door opening it to reveal a man who looked a bit more younger than him. His blonde hair rested on his forehead and a tattoo was very visible on his arm in which was a dragon wrapped around a giant sword planted into a rock. He held a wrapped small box that was clear to be gift in one hand

"Ah, Kyle! How are you old friend?" Gabriel shook his hand and Kyle offered a smile.

"Hello Gabe, may I come in?"

"Yeah of course, come on." Gabriel gestured him to come in as he backed up. When Kyle was fully in, he shut the door and Tamalia smiled at him.

"Kyle, it's so nice to see you."

"You too Tam, anyways I heard Gara Junior was finally born." Kyle turned his body to Gabriel and handed him the gift. "A little something as a congratulations for your new baby girl."

Gabriel smiled appreciatively taking the gift, "Thanks man." Kyle nodded and turned towards Tamalia who had a big grin on her face as she continued to rock her baby up and down.
Kyle leaned over at the baby smirking.

"Why don't you open the gift honey?" Tamalia suggested and Gabriel shrugged grabbing the ribbon pulling it off. As he opened it, Kyle payed no attention to him opening it as he reached to his side under his long trench coat with his sleeves rolled up.

"What is this?" Gabriel examined a syringe with dark purple liquid.

Kyle whipped out a gun and quickly grabbed ahold of Tamalia putting her in front of him pressing the gun to the side of her head. The baby started to wail as Tamalia gasped.

"Gabriel!" She shouted in terror clenching her child close.

"Kyle what the hell?!" Gabriel's eyes were wide with fear eyeing his wife.

"You're going to inject that into your baby or I'll pierce a bullet into her head and then your baby. Don't think I won't." He threatened.

Tears started rolling down Tamaila's face, "Kyle how could you?" She choked out.

"You know how dangerous this could be to our child?!" Gabriel shouted angrily gripping onto the syringe tightly.

"It's either you don't know," he removed the gun from Tamalia's skull and pointed it to the baby who's cries echoed through the room. "Or you do know."

Gabriel didn't know how to respond eyeing his wife who had the gun pressed to her temple again. They sat there staring at each other before Tamalia nodded her head slowly as more tears snuck from her eyes. Gabriel yelled in frustration hesitating before walking towards his wife and looking down at his baby girl.

"I'm so sorry peanut." He injected the chemical into the infant that flinched from it. Soon the babies eyes lit up into a dark purple that matched the liquid before fading into the regular color blue. It continued to cry and Kyle released Tamalia pushing her into Gabriel crying into his chest.
Kyle gave a devilish grin as he pointed his gun at them as he backed away to exit.

Only If // Peter ParkerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt