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Miley woke up with chills down her spine, she rolled over to her side breathing softy for her eyes to meet a note laying on top of her alarm clock. She reached over with one hand while the other rubbed her eye, in return she flinched forgetting the bruises and cuts on her face. A small hiss left her lips as she put the note in front of her face.

'Go straight to the kitchen' It said, Miley knew this wasn't Tony's handwriting because she's seen it plenty of times before.

Miley yawned rolling her eyes as she fought herself to get out of bed. As she walked to her dresser, she pulled her hair back into a messy bun and then opened her dresser throwing on what she first saw which turned out to be a Captain America logo shirt and black leggings. She made her way out of her temporary room towards the kitchen already hearing dishes and silverware moving around. When Miley was in the kitchen that's bigger than others, her eyes met Wanda's who immediately looked down at her eggs and bagel.

"Did you put the note in my room?" Miley questioned taking a seat across from Wanda at the kitchen table.

"No." Wanda answered abruptly picking at her eggs with her fork.

Miley looked down at the eggs being stabbed and looked back at Wanda, "What did those eggs ever do to you?"

"Does it look like I want to joke around with you Miley?" Wanda sneered looking at Miley.

"I know you're mad at me Wanda." Miley pointed out the obvious.

"You think?" Wanda glared shoving eggs in her mouth.

"Listen I wanted to know okay? I already got enough of a lecture from Tony and Peter yesterday. I don't need one from you too."

Wanda slammed down her fork making Miley jump in her seat, "You don't even understand how worried I was yesterday Miley." She snarled. "So don't you dare. There's more eggs over at the counter." She quickly changed the subject throwing her thumb behind her at the counter.

Miley got up and went to the counter grabbing a plate of eggs prepared. She turned around to see Nat at the doorway of the kitchen.

"Finish your eggs and meet me in the living room." Nat ordered before turning on her heel out of the kitchen.

"Everyone's bossing me around today.." Miley mumbled slowly eating eggs while standing.

After she was done, she set the plate in the sink and met with Nat in the living room who was waiting with her arms crossed.

"How're you feeling today?" Nat asked lowering her arms.

"Ribs aren't hurting anymore. I don't understand why though." Miley pushed onto her ribs feeling so pain.

Nat eyed her baffled, "What about your face? Does it hurt?"

"Yes like hell, but my ribs... I don't understand." Miley shook her head.

Nat looked at her and didn't know what to say about the ribs pain suddenly disappearing when she was barely walking yesterday. She thought for a moment before asking Miley to follow her, remembering why she wanted to see her in the first place.

Nat lead Miley to the elevator and they stepped in, "I wanted to show you where we will be training." She looked down at Miley who was still pushing on her ribs repeatedly expecting pain. "Miley are you listening?"

Miley's head shot up at Nat, "Yeah, yeah I am."

The elevator stopped and they stepped out meeting a dark skinned man with an eye-patch and a black trench coat. He looked down at Miley examining her which made her uncomfortable.

Only If // Peter ParkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin