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"This is so lame..." Miley complained looking down at the small slice of chocolate cake.

"At least we got some at all. I guess." Peter faked some positivity.

"We have to split... that?" Miley mumbled.

"It was all they had left of their cake Miles." Peter shook his head disappointed with the size of the slice from a nearby bakery they were sitting in front of. "I told you we should have come earlier for some! It is the most famous cake in Queens, of course they would run out fast."

"Sorry I didn't care enough to get out of bed." Miley glared at him, "Not like I'm exhausted or anything." Peter rolled his eyes and spilt the cake handing a slice to Miley who looked at it with sorrow. "So tiny..." she took a bite and looked even more depressed. "It's so good and I only have this much." She finished it off quickly before seeing Peter push his plate to her with his untouched slice.

"Have mine. I'm not that hungry anyways." Peter shrugged looking at the slice then switched to her eyes.

"No Pete it's okay, thank you though." She pushed it back and Peter again pushed it back towards her. "Pete I said it's okay." Miley started to move it again but Peter already had his hand out stopping it.

"I'm not eating it, so you either eat it, or the trash can does." He smirked which made Miley slowly pull it back.

"Your loss." She took a bite.

Peter chuckled, "I've been outdoors enough to have this cake before. You need to embrace these moments." His hand found its way to his chin with his elbow supporting him to keep his head up. His eyes never left Miley, she didn't pay attention to it as she finished off the cake.

"I guess, thank you Peter." She thanked looking down at her lap.

"What's wrong?" Peter leaned forward removing his hand from his chin.

"It's just, I seemed like such a dick when we first met." Her eyes met his. "Why did you even want to hang out with me?"

Peter smiled looking at her as if she asked the silliest question in the world, "You stuck up for me from Flash, you didn't look at me as some weird freak like others do and let me sit with you. You've got heart," His words touched her, "and when I met Flux, I knew it was you right away. I'll never forget that smile you showed me in the bus." He looked down at his thighs tapping the table, "Ned is my best friend, never thought I'd get another. Then you showed up."

Miley couldn't stop smiling, "I never thought I would ever get a best friend. Then you showed up." She said making Peter look back up at her. "All those years in my room, I had nobody but my parents, and I rarely saw them. My father I barely saw and my mother would always come in and tell me that everything was going to be alright as she gave me food. All I had was movies and my power to play around with. I only knew what grass looked like from just a movie."

"What's your favorite movie?" Peter asked.

Miley rolled her eyes then gave a serious look, "Don't laugh, but Tangled is my favorite movie. I related to Rapunzel. She's been trapped in a tower while I was trapped in my room. Both of us have power that was important, of course my mom isn't evil and not to mention my biological mother." Miley said making Peter laugh, "But, one thing I've realized is we were both saved. Tony, Wanda, and you. You saved me."

"How did I save you? Tony was the one who did. He told me about it. But me?" Peter sighed, "I let you go home alone after we trained yesterday. I let you almost die- I was being stupid."

Only If // Peter ParkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon