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Miley raced to her window and opened it, the cold breeze blowing onto her cheeks stinging them. She knew she couldn't just sit here when something bad could be happening- even if another hero was out there taking care of it as well. He was an ally that didn't know she existed; unless Tony has already told SpiderMan about the girl. Which Miley doubted. If it took a month to tell her that he existed then why would he tell SpiderMan about her?

Miley didn't waste anymore time thinking and climbed out of the window. After making her way down a few windows, she jumped and landed on the pavement. The police sirens weren't coming to an end. Gunshots started booming, echoing through the city sending Miley running towards its
She kept running as the sirens and gunshots got louder. Going through alleyways, she finally saw the flashing lights and heard men shouting as the gunshots died off.

Miley hidden behind a building, leaned forward to see the action better. Of course she would see SpiderMan shooting webbing at men climbing out of an upside down car with Police aiming their weapons at them from the distance.

"Son of a bitch!" One stood up aiming his pistol at SpiderMan who turned quickly kicking the gun out of his hand then webbed him to the building behind.

"Ah ah ah now be a good criminal and stay!" SpiderMan taunted pointing out one finger and shaking it, "Good criminal!" He booped his nose unaware that another man was exiting the car from the other side. He got up and sprinted away, the noise of his shoes smacking caught SpiderMan's attention. "Looks like we got a disobedient one!" SpiderMan shouted aiming his arm about to shoot his webbing at the running man, but before he could do so, a man who had one arm webbed to the car reached into his pocket for a knife so he could slice SpiderMan's arm.
He yelled in pain before punching the man. Miley realized the other criminal was still running and SpiderMan was too distracted.

"This is my chance." She said quietly to herself before continuing to run through the alleyways after the man. She didn't know if SpiderMan was also chasing after him but she didn't bother to look to see, her gaze too fixated on the man through the gaps she passed. She was much quicker than him and made her way around the man. Stopping in her tracks soon in front of him, making him stop and eyed her with fear.

"Who the hell are you?!" He shouted, the streetlights reflecting off the sweat dripping from his face.

"My parents told me not to talk to strangers, but I was told I can kick their asses though." Miley grinned as he took out a gun and shot at her.

Some of the bullets missed while others hit the bulletproof vest or if Miley was quick enough, stopped in front of her landing on the ground. After he saw his gun was no use, he tried to turn to run but SpiderMan landed in front of him.

"Where you going? Jail is that way!" SpiderMan pointed over his shoulder as the man took out a pocket knife throwing his arm forward to stab him. Miley stuck out her hand in a grabbing motion, stopping his arm from moving. He looked at his own arm in panic before SpiderMan webbed his foot and then stuck it to a light pole so he was hanging upside down.
After he was done and ignoring the cursing coming out of the criminal's mouth, his attention turned to Miley.

"So I finally meet SpiderBoy." Miley's hands went to her hips.

"It's SpiderMan mind you."  he walked closer to her, "Thanks for helping me, what's your-" he stopped himself looking at her suit, "Whoa! Your suit is badass! Did you make it?"

"No problem and no, Tony Stark gave this to me." She held her shoulders back.

"You know Tony?" SpiderMan without looking pointing his arm out at the man still yelling at them who now had webbing on his mouth. He slightly turned his head at the man hanging without looking at him, "Don't talk with your mouth full its rude."

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