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Miley was above the covers with her mouth hanging wide open releasing slobber that trailed down her cheek. The sunlight snuck its way in through the window caressing her room.
She had no problem falling asleep last night continuing to replay her day. She remembered the shy boy she first saw and meeting his best friend, Ned. She thought about how much of a badass she looked in front of her new friends. Sadness attacked her thinking about what Peter has been through with his parents dying, growing up raised by his Aunt who she already admired even without meeting her.

Miley felt guilt hit her when she realized she pushed Peter away after he talked about his parents when he didn't even have to, and ignored his question about her's. It was unfair to him that she asked questions about him that he didn't mind answering, but when he asked her. She avoided answering.

She eventually fell asleep to these thoughts, and woke up hearing her phone vibrating playing a loud tune that was set by default. It annoyed her but she kept forgetting to change it. Miley grunted as she reached for her phone not bothering to look at who was calling, answering it.

"Hello?" She said barely as a whisper.

"I called because I knew you weren't getting up on time for that school bus." The voice obviously belonged to Tony.

"Oh yeah..." Miley said sighing, she couldn't lie to herself that she didn't forget about school, "am I still seeing you after school?"

"Yes. As soon as it's over." Miley listened to his voice and waited for something else to be said realizing that Tony was also waiting for a response. "You're still laying down aren't you?"

"No." Miley lied as she quickly got up putting the phone on speaker and setting it on her dresser, "why can't you tell me what I'm seeing you for?" She asked while searching for clean clothes.

"Well it would be defeating the purpose if I told you." Tony grunted.

"Oh I didn't think you were the type to have surprises." Miley chuckled as she pulled a shirt on over her head.

"Has socializing been tough? For someone like you it's like a squirrel trying to learn to tap dance." Miley couldn't see him but knew he was smirking.

"This squirrel has made a few friends believe it or not!" She asserted while jumping up and down to get pants on.

"Do tell."

"I met three boys yesterday. One was a jackass named Flash- which I doubt is his real name. He's clearly not a friend but I socialized with him!" Miley shouted from across the room searching for another sock.

"And the other two boys?"

"Ned and Pete." She answered while using telekinesis to brush her hair and teeth as she tied her shoes.

"Are they jackasses too?"

"No not at all, Ned is an idiot and a joker. Pete is a stuttering dork who is also a cocky bastard." Miley grabbed her apartment key and phone walking out of her room.

"Pete sounds like someone I know. What's his last na-" Tony started but Miley interrupted him.

"Wait oh yeah! I saw someone in a blue and red onesie last night chasing after some crime! Why didn't you tell me there was another super in Queens?" Miley's eyes lit up remembering the scene as she shoved a food bar in her mouth.

"Ah, well I was gonna tell you about underoos when you stop by later on." Miley let out a small laugh when he said underoos, "The kid goes by SpiderMan. Plus, there are plenty of supers out in this world."

"Makes sense." Miley remembered the webbing he used to go from building to building, "Kid huh? Do you know him?"

"Yes unfortunately I do." Tony joked then sighed staying silent for a few moments. Miley knew he was trying to fight himself from saying something.

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